Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Because I'm glad we have laws against statutory rape, you feel I'm experiencing Stockholm Syndrome. I guess you wish we didn't have laws against statutory rape. Why do you continue to defend pedophiles and object to laws against pedophiles ?
I'm no longer interested in addressing your pedo questions, but will address issues of consent in a generic way. Sorry to disappoint you.
I view legal statutes as arbitrary, because they are. Sometimes a statute will coincide with a good thing, but many times they don't and rather than protecting a person, they often deprive people of self ownership / determination.
For instance, it used to be legal to own other people 100%. Now, people are under the illusion that because that kind of slavery doesn't exist anymore in the USA that they are free, but that's not the case. The only thing that has occurred is the severity of peoples enslavement has lessened in some situations, but that doesn't mean people are free.
Perhaps you've heard that there are people in prison for the crime of acting like they own themselves?
Obviously if a person HAS the wherewithal to consent to something and that something doesn't create a harm to another person, a law which limits that persons ability to self determine isn't a law which protects, rather it is a law which offends.
Who owns you ? Do you think you do?