The truth about aliens ?

I think thats why we were given 6 senses so that we can try to do things in our enviornment that stimulate those senses pleasantly and can enjoy the experiement. Man i dunno. I certainly dont think were all from here. I think its kinda weird that we change colour and get burnt under our sun... I also think our eyes are not prepared to deal with our intense sunlight either. Why do sooooooooooooooo many ppl have back pain with no real prognosis or cure? Maybe gravity is a bit higher than its meant to be?? dunno. Another thing i find seriously weird is other (if we really are that) mammals they dont need a doctor to accompany the progress and certainly they got no midwife during birth. Ive asked a friend whos a veterinary how common is it for offspring or mum to die in birth, she says shes never heard of a dog or a cat dying in birth. Yes some offpring aint right and some might be dead or die soon, but they have big litters. Fuck even dolphins man! ffs they only have one offpsring at a time sometimes two and they dont need no fucking cesarians! Jesus christ even the fucking pandas!!!! Theyre going extinct and they dont die during birth. You might tell me oh but horses and the like sometimes the animals gets turned around comes ass first. Dont give a shit mum still live but the offspring might die. Back in the day it was very common for either mum or child to be killed. Shit i knew a friend of my grandmother who admited throwing 5 babies to the sewer and 2 more died shortly after birth and she had for 4 kids who lived.
If we trully were inherent to this planet I think those things wouldnt happen.

When its said god is watching us i think its true, only that god isnt some omnipotent presense.

It's a small off-hand comment from regan is all. It wasn't code, nor a hint, nor a foreshadowing of future events
If we are spinning at 1600kmph (at the equator) and all oceans and atmosphere are moving in synchronicity. How fast does a slight breeze have to travel for us to feel it?
Keeping in mind our rotational speed, we also orbit the sun at 107,000 km/hr3 and the sun its self is travelling at 792,000 km/hr outwards from a singular point of origin and has been travelling for millions of years, how come our star systems have remained constant?
It's a small off-hand comment from regan is all. It wasn't code, nor a hint, nor a foreshadowing of future events
You can believe what you want. I wish I shared that mindset. I don't have the same opinion as the op but the subject matter is intriguing. I had an encounter with something strange that I cant explain away. I've been looking for an answer for well over a decade.
If we are spinning at 1600kmph (at the equator) and all oceans and atmosphere are moving in synchronicity. How fast does a slight breeze have to travel for us to feel it?
Keeping in mind our rotational speed, we also orbit the sun at 107,000 km/hr3 and the sun its self is travelling at 792,000 km/hr outwards from a singular point of origin and has been travelling for millions of years, how come our star systems have remained constant?
The sun does move and we travel behind it

My grandma was an alien..
Answer: Who cares, and what relevance does this have to anything meaningful?
You could question what I am saying and find the evidence to prove me wrong, I believe in your search to prove me wrong, you will find me right and thus create meaningful purpose to this thread.
There's a lot of crazy ideas that I am not going to set aside time to research only to come to the realization that it's a crazy idea

Some ideas are obviously well outside of the scope of science and in my opinion not worth much consideration. Again science = reality. I'm not interested in non-science arguments
If we are spinning at 1600kmph (at the equator) and all oceans and atmosphere are moving in synchronicity. How fast does a slight breeze have to travel for us to feel it?
Keeping in mind our rotational speed, we also orbit the sun at 107,000 km/hr3 and the sun its self is travelling at 792,000 km/hr outwards from a singular point of origin and has been travelling for millions of years, how come our star systems have remained constant?

Perspective, your point of measurement and it is constant change.
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Rules of the game.
The authors of the theory cannot be linked to any religious group.
No NASA pictures.
The task is to prove we live on a ball.
Perspective, your point of measurement and it's constant change.
Too non specific my mate I know why they SAY it happens, they say because of the length of time the light takes to hit our atmosphere that star has long burned out but we see no deviation in the light but think about this explanation for a minute.
Go for a long walk and try to walk off the edge.
It's been done already, but you can give it a try if you choose to
believe the word is flat or whatever it is you're saying it is.

Easy enough.
we have never got to the edge we are contained within a boundary of ice (the artic circle) beyond this boundary is infinite land. We are on a plane of existence.
I'm sold. We're not built for this planet and the Pandas prove it.

Now. Where are we meant to be and how do we get back there?

Clothes bro clothes ive not seen any fucking animal going store for clothes, not even charity shop.
Like, how and why we share fifty percent of our DNA with FRUIT FLIES. Or the much more widely quoted statistic that humans and bonobo chimpanzees are more closely related to one another than any of the other primates, at over 99%. In other words, we keep our genetic brethren locked up in cages in zoos for entertainment!

That might just be the kind of trash they leave behind to throw us off....