The Truth About Flushing

Interesting thread. Question: How would I modify this technique for High Pressure Aero plants?

1. Do I simply move to a single pail of sufficient pHd water to cover the root ball?
2. How many days do I leave the plant under the lights?
3. How many days in water but in dark?
4. Did I miss any questions?
Interesting thread. Question: How would I modify this technique for High Pressure Aero plants?

1. Do I simply move to a single pail of sufficient pHd water to cover the root ball?
2. How many days do I leave the plant under the lights?
3. How many days in water but in dark?
4. Did I miss any questions?

These questions have already been answered
These questions have already been answered

No disrespect Petflora, but isn't funny riddleme how funny people do that!!

Google is a great search engine folks, and you can use google to search a specific site, and its bettter than RIU's search. Just type site:"enter site name here" "enter search terms here" and voila :D

I can't talk much, I do it to from time to time. :wall:
Riddleme fantastic job with the info! Im on my first grow and was having my doubts about flushing (coming up to final weeks of flowering). Ill definately be trying this drowning technique instead - it makes too much sense not to! I'll be checking out some more of your threads...
I read through the entire thread with these questions in mind. I did not see them answered for plants grown in a HPA system

here was the post I was referring to,

the only definitive is to "somehow" drown them and trust me I know this is a bit of a bitch because everyone here is all about DON'T OVERWATER EM but it's over they are done have a friggin pool party, call the bikini babes, chill the beer, fire up a phatty and OVER WATER THEM BITCHES!!!!!

Here is what I do I have big drain pans that my pots sit in when I water it runs into buckets< I simply plug the drain holes and flood the drain pans bout 5~6 inches deep then I water the plants by dipping water from the drain pans and pouring it thru the pots 4 times a day (overwatering at its classic best) I wait till they are done to do this, not 5 days before I think they might be done

I leave the light on th first day let em get all excited and try to wick all that water off (and they will as long as they have light) then on day 2, I turn the lights off and leave em in the dark for 5 days then I turn the lights on and wait till they wake up and start to get excited then whoosh I start the harvest and go all reaper on em LOL

But here is the thing every garden is different so each of you has to do what works best for you there is no right or wrong way to drown a done/dying plant, the only potential hazzard is mold so try to keep the humidity low and check on em often (peace of mind is a terrible thing to waste)

this harvesting ditty first appeared in the calling all noob growers thread around post #401 (I think) it was a 4 part ditty, what I put here was just the last part and after I posted it folks started experimentin, the results are in the thread of all that we did. It was Rasta that figured out the extended dark part speedin things up. most of us are still tweakin our methods (or madness depending on your point of view) not like we have a harvest every week but that would be nice too

bottom line is several of us have done it, it has worked everytime, only one grower had mold (so far), I can honestly say that I tend to do things without hesitation that would terrify the bejesus out of some (ok maybe most) cause I'm not afraid to and cause I don't fear the loss if it happens, I learn and move on. I realize that a lot of you have chewed all your fingernails off gettin to your first harvest and don't wanna screw anthing up, so maybe only do it to one plant if you have doubts. but folks this is how we learn and how we find ways to get better buds and trust me I'm all about better buds
LOL... legals is taking advice from "Dirt farmers" ....... this is a first... jk// Nice thread (again) Riddle... ... I will be following along with Legal's regimen he outlined, besides we are harvesting at about the same time........ I had a question about temps, as it will get cold as hell at night in my grow room, even with heater on... I suppose that's a good thing? Keeping the mold at bay? Im pretty sure I didnt read anyone mentioning ideal temps for the 4-5 day dark flood/flush..... I think me/legal are both in trouble this grow, I plan on sampling and Im pretty sure his tolerance (none. lol) is more than mine,,,, damn,, going to need a sitter! (riddle)? sad........ damn, you can never give enough rep to those who deserve it,, sorry riddle... That crap needs to change...
LOL... legals is taking advice from "Dirt farmers" ....... this is a first... jk// Nice thread (again) Riddle... ... I will be following along with Legal's regimen he outlined, besides we are harvesting at about the same time........ I had a question about temps, as it will get cold as hell at night in my grow room, even with heater on... I suppose that's a good thing? Keeping the mold at bay? Im pretty sure I didnt read anyone mentioning ideal temps for the 4-5 day dark flood/flush..... I think me/legal are both in trouble this grow, I plan on sampling and Im pretty sure his tolerance (none. lol) is more than mine,,,, damn,, going to need a sitter! (riddle)? sad........ damn, you can never give enough rep to those who deserve it,, sorry riddle... That crap needs to change...

Hey I'm a Dirt-Less farmer LOL
Riddle, I don't see how this applies to HPA. My roots do not grow in any medium (no light buffer or medium to water), they simply hang in air inside the root pod. So it seems a variation is needed.

How does this sound?

1. Submerge roots in pHed water for ~5 minutes
2. Return to a pod that is not operational, but still under the light
3. Repeat 4xs times a day for 2 days
4. Move to a dark area for 5 days
5. Return to light, wait till they wake up then harvest
LOL... legals is taking advice from "Dirt farmers" ....... this is a first... jk// Nice thread (again) Riddle... ... I will be following along with Legal's regimen he outlined, besides we are harvesting at about the same time........ I had a question about temps, as it will get cold as hell at night in my grow room, even with heater on... I suppose that's a good thing? Keeping the mold at bay? Im pretty sure I didnt read anyone mentioning ideal temps for the 4-5 day dark flood/flush..... I think me/legal are both in trouble this grow, I plan on sampling and Im pretty sure his tolerance (none. lol) is more than mine,,,, damn,, going to need a sitter! (riddle)? sad........ damn, you can never give enough rep to those who deserve it,, sorry riddle... That crap needs to change...
You guys and your Salty Water.
Riddle, I don't see how this applies to HPA. My roots do not grow in any medium (no light buffer or medium to water), they simply hang in air inside the root pod. So it seems a variation is needed.

How does this sound?

1. Submerge roots in pHed water for ~5 minutes
2. Return to a pod that is not operational, but still under the light
3. Repeat 4xs times a day for 2 days
4. Move to a dark area for 5 days
5. Return to light, wait till they wake up then harvest

Honestly have no idea, it appears you are the pioneer on this one as I am completely unfamiliar with HPA

I think I read in an earlier post of yours that you do not vape. That's unfortunate, because those who vape (myself included) would benefit from your curing knowledge as applied to non-combusted plant material. Many in the med community vape, so research in this area would be really useful.

IMO, vaping places a completely different set of demands on the curing process-- the temperature difference between the 400 degrees in vaping and up to 800 degrees with combustion leads to totally different chemistry. Vaping gives access to a whole set of flavoniods that would be destroyed through combustion, but also excludes many of the tars and other complex molecules that you have to manage when curing for combustion.

I plan to run my own experiments some time with various forms of curing for vape use, but I am in the beginning stages of a grow room build-out, and won't have a fresh crop until summer. Until then, I would appreciate any insights you or others knowledgeable in curing can contribute.

Edibles, since they utilize extracted THC, have a whole different set of compounds to contend with, but that discussion is for another day...
I vaped some of my afghan yesterday, 8 days after chop. It is sticky, yet able to go thru the grinder. I was blown out. My vape is actually pre-heated right now for another session with the same afghan I ground yesterday, so it should be even drier. :hump:

I got some chronic that is 6 days from chop and will likely try to vape some today or tomorrow. I did a couple bong tokes this morning and it is very good. It tastes better and is more potent than the $200 1/2oz of well-cured 'kush' I bought a couple weeks ago.

I am sold on drowning and plan to drown my next plants for 3 days in the lights, and 3 days in the dark. :weed:
Taste is relevant for the first few hits,,, ??? Kinda like cheap beer, first two are nasty, then you get a buzz, then who gives a shit...... When your high as fuck you want Doritos not earthy, grapefruit, pineapple, cotton candy smoke... Well, maybe the cotton candy... .. But I suppose it is more relevant to a smoker with a high tolerance as you can smoke more & Longer... Similar to sipping a glass of wine vs shots... Any theories/recommends on temperature when flooding with lights out? Lower keeps mold at bay? I must say , I am most proud of my little ice cream bucket dirt girl,, I almost threw her out as an (extra clone), but stuck her in some nasty outdoor dirt with a little ewc, and I feed her water from my hydro reservoir,,,, shes turning out to be all bud!! little shit...
Ok riddle,

Got caught up on this one of your threads! :). Read it all, sounds great. Im definitely doing this for my round 2! I plan on waiting till 2 days before they are done to start the whole process, then drowning my smart pots by putting them into large buckers filled with water and top feeding them also while in these buckets to completely saturate them and start the drowning. Then i will run 2 more days of normal lights (12/12) and conti ue topping them off each day until they quit wicking any up, then ill kill the lights and do 3 days darkness while still drowning and topping off. Then harvest using green lights, no more lights on.

Sound good? Cant wait to try it..

Thanks man! Now gotta catchup on the other threads! :)


EDIT -- Goddamnit I can't type on my fucking ipad. If you see a response written by me that looks like a 3 year old typed it, I was on my fucking ipad. LOL!