Well-Known Member
There is no rebuttal to sharing underpants Kynes. You win, forever. Capitalism is the way to go.
see youre getting wrapped around the axle of the "ownership" word appearing in relation to "The Commons"
"The Commons" are not owned by anyone or anything in The Utopian Communist Worker's Paradise. they simply exist, and everyone takes from the commons only what they need, and all things are shared equally.
if you mark out a patch, plow it, fertilize it, and carry water to grow weed, it is not YOUR dope which you would then trade for My tomatoes or Deprave's wheat, or Wabbit's corn, but rather, i simply harvest such dope as i need, and you likewise visit the patch on which i grow tomatoes, and take such tomatoes as you need, and so on, with no economic activity at all.
there would be no concept of ownership, even your underpants would be communal, and when you take them off, Godhere can put them on if he so desires.
that is the dream marx envisioned for the stateless Worker's Paradise, a truely free, truely egalitarian smurf village.
we only talk about the commons being "Owned" because this implies that no single person could declare "This is Mine" , because it is already owned, by everybody and nobody all at the same time.
real anarchy is certainly not "revolutionary" since a revolution abolishes one thing to replace it with another, by design.
anarchy is solely destructive, with no creative power to follow. under anarchy, the US would cease to be, and NOTHING would replace our government. this is viewed by some as an ideal, but this too is completely unworkable and utopian, since every time anarchy has occurred, SOMEBODY has instituted order (usually by violence) to the detriment of the anarcho-populace who were not prepared for violence to defend their lack of governance and order.
the only solution for the Anarcho-populace is to institute some form of order, to defend their disorder from aggression, and in so doing, dismantled their anarchy themselves.
anarchy has become a buzzword with no real meaning in the context in which it is used, since anarchy is in fact chaos, and chaos invites violence, which invariably results in the imposition of order.
i did not imply communism was democratic, in fact there is no need for democracy in The Utopian Communism's Worker's Paradise, since there is no state, and thus no need to elect leaders for that non-existent state.
communism is also not anarchy, since communism presumes that everyone lives an orderly life of their own volition, and thus anarchy does not occur, since everyone imposes order on their own lives without any outside force (the state), but it is order all the same.
anarchy does NOT resemble marxism, it is anathema to marxism. YOUR version of "anarchy", which is NOT anarchy but rather "anarcho-______ism" (which is a fiction) assumes a similar smurf village style self-established order without imposition by a state, or laws, or in fact any form of governance, and thus is NOT anarchy, even though you insist on calling it "anarchy". using a word outside it's established definition is the cause of the confusion and misapprehensions, and this is solely a result of SEMANTICS, not logic or reality.
you could call your vision of "anarchy" anything else, any word you choose, and it will still not be actual anarchy.
if you wish to distance yourself from marxism (and the authoritarian baggage which it has so consistently earned) then you could choose any of a variety of words to describe a stateless self-established entirely self-actualized society of caring and sharing, with no property ownership, no state, no class or caste system, and no imposed order whatsoever, but it will still resemble Utopian Communism so strongly that the parallel will be drawn.
"Egalitarianism" comes to mind as a possible alternative to "anarcho-___ism"
"Chomskyism" has a certain ring to it.
"Naderism" would be a useful choice, but would have no cache' outside the US
"Spoonerism" is already in use within some circles, but i doubt you would accept that since most Spoonerites have an acceptance of property rights ingrained in their philosophies.
but continuing to use "Anarchy" in direct violation of the definition of the word is counter-productive.
Work or starve = work or die. Doesn't sound like much of a choice. Sounds like a rat race.
growing weed is a job.
haha work or starve sounds like a rat race does it? Sounds like the basis for ever social economy known throughout history.
It can be but you're embarrassing yourself again. Little old ladies throw more green than you as a stress reliever. I can't believe you even said that in this forum as if we would believe your dumbass. If you're spending more than two hours a day (and that's being overgenerous) maintaining your small op you're doing it wrong. I am beginning to see why your views fall inline with anarchist.
..... Your state should be allowed to set it at whatever they want. Your state should also be allowed to do away with min wage if they see fit. ...
first of all, please show me one place where i have said my views fall in line with anarchy. please proceed, douchebag.
secondly, it doesn't even take two hours a day most days. on days where i have to water extensively, we're looking at about an hour and 15 minutes. on days when i have a lot of transplants to do, add an hour. pruning is some of the most time consuming work, but even that only takes a couple hours tops to do 40+ plants.*
it only takes me about an hour to take a batch of clones, maybe a little more if you count prep time of cleaning containers and utensils, running to the store for supplies and so on and so forth.
an indoor grow op is not very time consuming at all until harvest, when i run into 6-8 hour trimming days for 3-4 days in a row.
but an indoor grow op like mine would barely pay my bills, much less leave me anything leftover at the end to buy new shoes or an extra tank of gas to take the dog out to the beach. that's why i also do an outdoor grow op every year.
and if you think an outdoor grow op is as easy as an indoor one, please feel free to come to portland this summer and put in the 24 hour, non stop, around the clock guard work for 3+ months. you'll be rewarded at the end with a solid 30 day block of 10-14 hour trimming days. breaks and days off are not an option as your task is time sensitive.
let me know what ya think, "greese" boy.
You have been slobbing abandonconflicts knob for over six months now are you really going to try and deny that?
Well at least you admit it isn't a job more of a hobby and showing why you hold the prestigious ass clown reward. I wonder how many people will agree with you working 3-4 days every 3 months trimming is real work. Tedious is not hard.
Here is an idea get a fucking real job if you can't pay the bills with your hobby. Don't fucking whine to me about how you don't have what it takes.
First of all if you have to guard 24hrs a day there isn't anyone to blame but yourself. Should I also take in the effort of bathing and getting dressed to go outside? What fucking bullshit excuse. A month of 10-14 hours a day trimming on 6 fucking plants haha yeah fucking right. Time to put some boots on the shit is getting deep.
he doesn't share my leanings either, we both just enjoy making sport out of idiots like you.
well, if you don't count all the other work in between harvests, sure. and if you think that i only trim for 3-4 days out of every 3 months, sure. but the fact is that with a perpetual rotation, it's more often than that.
when was i whining? i was simply explaining that i don't have the indoor space for an op big enough to pay the bills AND provide for a little walking around money. hence why i plant outdoors, despite the (very) increased workload.
i don't get what you're poking at here. bathing and getting dressed is essential when you go to sleep outside in chilly temps and wake up in the morning under the hot summer sun.
and yes, it does take about a month to trim 12+ pounds of weed by yourself. not only is there an initial manicure, but then there is a second manicure as well as debranching and curing. not all of it matures at the same time either.
you're just giving away that you're an immature asshat who has no idea what it takes to bring a plant from unrooted clone to final product. have fun picking up seedy, stemmy bags of schwag from your older brother's friend in the safeway parking lot.
No you just given away you're completely full of shit. a month of 12-14 hours a day on 12 pounds. I see why you can't hold down a job. All this while assuming you're getting 2 pounds a plant.
i don't like leafy bud, so i refuse to offer it to my clients.
remember, these are actual 12-14 hour days, not the imaginary 16 hour days installing "greese" traps that you claim to work every day with no breaks, ever.
You can't stop spewing bullshit can you? A month for 12lbs lol. Keep digging moron
apparently, you cannot even comprehend how competitive the market is in portland for top shelf cannabis when the market is flooded.
allow me to explain this to your simple, southern, sister fucking, dark triad, bigoted, moronic thick head.
portland weed friendly. many people have lots weed when october crop come. supply demand. many have supply, demand same. prices low. you want crop make worth while? make high quality. many leaves. must make leaves be away. small pair scissors cut leaf. lots leaves.
oh, fuck it. i'm simply not as retarded as nontheist. unlike his regressive, two bit southern shit hole, i live in a very progressive, cannabis friendly area. everyone and their brother has a couple pounds in october. it's shitty, leafy, non-cured outdoor garbage of the type and kind that is superior to any of the brown schwag that nontheist acquires from his older brother's friend behind the flying-J truck stop.
thus, one must not only make their outdoor crop of superior appeal, we must also cure it to a higher standard due to the massive availability of cannabis and relatively similar demand.
that you do not understand this should be an item of pity rather than ridicule on a site called rollitup, but i have no sympathy for a bigoted, inbred douchebag like you.
So now you're whining because it's hard to sell water to drowning public? Do you want sympathy for your retarded career choices? a month for 12 pounds fucking classic.
Have fun waiting tables in Cali.
when did i whine about it? i have been trying to explain to you the realities we face up here. we're not all jonesing for a bag of stemmy mexican cartel schwag like you folks in the dirty south are.
i love what i do.
that would be fun too.
Oh I see a competitive market makes you move slower and make poor choices. Thanks for clearing that up.
i fail to see how it is a poor choice to wait for the market flood to recede. it makes sense in an economic fashion, and it allows time for a more robust cure. i get compensated for my time better and the patient gets higher quality, smoother smoke.
if you had any experience beyond buying mexican schwag for $20 a gram behind the flying-J, you'd understand the type of market we have here for top shelf cannabis and the effort required to manicure 12+ pounds to the quality standard of indoor bud.
Work or starve = work or die. Doesn't sound like much of a choice. Sounds like a rat race.