The Truth About Ron Paul

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you are right. because i don't support ron paul, i am asleep and need to "wake up". the "truth" is "simple", not complex, and i am oblivious to "the truth".

it almost sounds like someone is trying to lure me into heaven's gate. if i wake up to the truth, which simple, we will all ride the tail of the comet hale-bopp to a divine destination!

sorry, i am not for some dude who once published a disgustingly hateful newsletter under his name and wants the government (state if not federal) to make decisions about my wife's health.

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you added a picture of Ron Paul with a racist person. Does that mean Ron Paul and Don Black are good friends? Does it mean they have the same ideas and thoughts, goals and ambitions? When you see a picture of The President with someone do you automatically assume they are cut from the same cloth?


That guy on the left is a convicted child molester and the Asian woman beats her children. Automatically makes Obama a Child beating child molester by association and this picture proves it.

The real black guy on the right is here on a expired Visa from Nairobi, Obama also supports illegal aliens.
The real black guy on the right is here on a expired Visa from Nairobi, Obama also supports illegal aliens.[/QUOTE]

In reality he does,He wants to give the roaches that are here amnestity and let them stay.
So i say yes he does support them,Let them do it the right way like all the legal good immigrants have had to do.
We do not need immigration reform,We already let more immigrants in than any other country and that is enough.
He wants to give the roaches that are here amnestity ...

what is amnestity? i mean, i like titties, is amnestity like titties? and why does he want to give this strange word to roaches?

i know undocumented workers that speak english better than you do.
Read the constitution! ... simple. Why don't you do some better wake up.

oh no, i have blasphemed against the church of ron paul!

it is all simple, i just need to wake up.

i have no idea how i am managing to type this sentence in my current somnambulatory state.

i guess i just need to heed your advice, and do some research.

thanks a ton!
It was a nice experiment they started in 1971, too bad its coming to an end and there is nothing that can stop it. RP can't stop it, Obama can't stop it. NO ONE CAN STOP IT!!! It's what will happen after the crash that will be the important part. Just to make our federal government solvent again, just to zero out the debt, we each and every single man woman child, needs to come up with $228,000. That does not include state debt or city/municipal debt or personal debt. You add all those things in and the number is somewhere above $400,000 each to get us to the break even point. It is IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish no matter what plan they choose. The plan that has already been chosen is default by dollar devaluation AKA Inflation.
Paul is too smart for that.

Paul isn't that smart, otherwise he wouldnt have talked and promised himself in completely infeasible positions. That guy has made more promises than Obama ever did....and Paul's are quite extraordinarily grandiose.

Dr Ron Paul on Raw Milk Freedom
New Video for Today.

I think obamas promises are a lot more grandiose, and he broke nearly all of them.

Abolishing the Fed and the IRS...jesus christ you understand what that would mean? Do you understand how many immediate enemies he would make? If you are one of the people that think JFK was assassinated by "the military industrial complex" imagine what they would do to Paul....

Furthermore, Paul makes all of his promises out to be so cut-and-dry that it makes them completely just shows how out of touch he is with the way Washington works. What is he going to do? Issue the most authoritarian Executive Orders in history? Completely make an about face on democracy and make a single-handed decision about the fate of the greatest country on earth? He himself will have to become a tyrant to keep his promises...His platform makes no logical sense.
Paul is old, I think he would be proud to be assassinated and live in infamy as the Man that broke the Banks, the UN, The IRS and the Fed and freed this country from the clutches of the moneyed interests. That much change is only possible after a huge crash.
Paul is old, I think he would be proud to be assassinated and live in infamy as the Man that broke the Banks, the UN, The IRS and the Fed and freed this country from the clutches of the moneyed interests.

Sounds like an anti-establishment stoners' wet dream. Futhermore, he wouldn't free us from a damn thing...That responsibility has been and will always be OURS as a people that finally decide where to spend our money and whom to elect. Until then, we shall be bound by the current paradigm in which we all enthusiastically support and benefit from.
so to start construction on my greenhouse, i will need...

*96 feet of 2x4's (plus some scraps to sew them together) to form a 32' x 16' base. price will depend on how many i can scrap, but will exceed no more than $24 even if i have to buy every piece of lumber new.

*200 feet of 3/4'' PVC, or 10 pieces. most will be cut to 12 feet and used for the sides, the 8 foot scraps will be used as the top brace. price = $33.70

*(2) 3-way connectors and (2) 4-way connectors for the PVC. price should not exceed $6.

*(10) pieces of 2 or 3 foot rebar. price will depend on the length i choose, but should not exceed $25.

*may need some hardware (3'' screws) and some duct tape. possibly another $10, may have it lying around.

after this, i will worry about throwing the plastic over it, getting some 5 gallon buckets, and some good soil to fill those buckets. have some good clones to choose from in the garage. then it is just a matter of time, sunlight, water from the hose, and the occasional supply of nutrients as the plants seems to need it.

this seemed like the most logical place to post this.
so to start construction on my greenhouse, i will need...

*96 feet of 2x4's (plus some scraps to sew them together) to form a 32' x 16' base. price will depend on how many i can scrap, but will exceed no more than $24 even if i have to buy every piece of lumber new.

*200 feet of 3/4'' PVC, or 10 pieces. most will be cut to 12 feet and used for the sides, the 8 foot scraps will be used as the top brace. price = $33.70

*(2) 3-way connectors and (2) 4-way connectors for the PVC. price should not exceed $6.

*(10) pieces of 2 or 3 foot rebar. price will depend on the length i choose, but should not exceed $25.

*may need some hardware (3'' screws) and some duct tape. possibly another $10, may have it lying around.

after this, i will worry about throwing the plastic over it, getting some 5 gallon buckets, and some good soil to fill those buckets. have some good clones to choose from in the garage. then it is just a matter of time, sunlight, water from the hose, and the occasional supply of nutrients as the plants seems to need it.

this seemed like the most logical place to post this.

LOL UB! THAT was classic!
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