you added a picture of Ron Paul with a racist person. Does that mean Ron Paul and Don Black are good friends? Does it mean they have the same ideas and thoughts, goals and ambitions? When you see a picture of The President with someone do you automatically assume they are cut from the same cloth?you are right. because i don't support ron paul, i am asleep and need to "wake up". the "truth" is "simple", not complex, and i am oblivious to "the truth".
it almost sounds like someone is trying to lure me into heaven's gate. if i wake up to the truth, which simple, we will all ride the tail of the comet hale-bopp to a divine destination!
sorry, i am not for some dude who once published a disgustingly hateful newsletter under his name and wants the government (state if not federal) to make decisions about my wife's health.
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That guy on the left is a convicted child molester and the Asian woman beats her children. Automatically makes Obama a Child beating child molester by association and this picture proves it.
The real black guy on the right is here on a expired Visa from Nairobi, Obama also supports illegal aliens.