King Tut
Yea, classic trolling.. good job![]()
UB isn't a troll. He has strong opinions and a great sense of humor, but he's no troll.
Yea, classic trolling.. good job![]()
Paul isn't that smart, otherwise he wouldnt have talked and promised himself in completely infeasible positions. That guy has made more promises than Obama ever did....and Paul's are quite extraordinarily grandiose
What promises are you talking about? What do you mean infeaseable? You haven't mentioned policies really? Is it unfeaseable to leave the Middle East which would save lives of Americans as well as many more lives of Middle Easterners? Is it unfeaseable to not manipulate the economy which caused the housing crisis?
Is this because you think the voters to be so out of touch they won't vote for anyone but an insider or because you don't think they system will change?.
you are right. because i don't support ron paul, i am asleep and need to "wake up". the "truth" is "simple", not complex, and i am oblivious to "the truth".
it almost sounds like someone is trying to lure me into heaven's gate. if i wake up to the truth, which simple, we will all ride the tail of the comet hale-bopp to a divine destination!
sorry, i am not for some dude who once published a disgustingly hateful newsletter under his name and wants the government (state if not federal) to make decisions about my wife's health.
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If everything remained the same in Congress and Paul was in the White House he'd probably veto a lot of things while leaving those decisions to the state. In order for his policies to be put in place he'd need others in congress with actual Tea Party beliefs and not the frauds who jumped on the bandwagon.
The two main Tea Party issues. Bring our troops home and protect our borders. Take the money saved by NOT expanding our empire and use that to take care of the current entitlement deficits in order to keep a promise made to the people. Gee a President hat actually keeps a promise. Then the entitlements would have to change, no if ands or buts, as they are too costly and we cannot afford them. Not a straight, cut off, see you later, we don't care even if you paid into the system like some falsely claim.
Those two issues would seem to heavily influence the pre 2008 democrats before they changed their policy on war mongering. So what's unfeaseable about that?
UB isn't a troll. He has strong opinions and a great sense of humor, but he's no troll.
BTW it was Congress that deregulated the market, Presidents do not have that power. me thinks your animosity is a bit misplaced.
Troll in this instance was used as verb, not a noun. He is still capable of trolling, just like a troll. so yes he's a troll. sense of humor or not, thread jacking is a troll tactic.
He didn't publish the newsletter. He was not affiliated with it in any way.
Once again you are wrong on an issue you refuse to research. Become informed at least people can somewhat respect an informed troll.
True, and i guess we are all capable. i just kinda took his post as a kind of "break the tension and laugh a little" kinda post rather than an attempt to jack the thread. idk. Kinda got a dry sense of humor myself sometimes.
it was a troll by definition, true.
when i find that a thread has devolved enough to not be taken seriously anymore, it is one of those things i do.
plus, i am just excited to build the damn thing. but gotta wait until tomorrow to raid my friend's barn for the lumber to save money.
Yea that makes sense if you're a douchebag.ah, i see. ron paul had nothing to do with the ron paul newsletter.
Yea that makes sense if you're a douchebag.
Red Herrings suck.
UB lives in that area, he might actually be able to meet this kid.
Say hi to Johnathan next time, would ya?i used to buy weed at waterfront park![]()
you are right. because i don't support ron paul, i am asleep and need to "wake up". the "truth" is "simple", not complex, and i am oblivious to "the truth".
it almost sounds like someone is trying to lure me into heaven's gate. if i wake up to the truth, which simple, we will all ride the tail of the comet hale-bopp to a divine destination!
sorry, i am not for some dude who once published a disgustingly hateful newsletter under his name and wants the government (state if not federal) to make decisions about my wife's health.
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