the tyrannical government

so it isn't tyranny as long as you are part of the we? as long as the we maintains a majority there can be no tyranny? so if i choose not to be part of the we, it's my own damn fault? it's funny, but i seem to recall a small piece of paper that limited what the government could do - even if it is backed by a majority of the people. when a government, even under a mandate by the majority, imposes unjustifiable demands upon a segment of the population, this is a tyranny.

you must be suffering under so many unjustifiable, unconstitutional demands, you poor thing.

life is so tough.
When have I linked to AJ?
Never to my knowledge. I just don't much like info taken from blogs, regardless of whether or not they align with my own thinking.
Oswald’s Gun and the Decline of American Politics

Divided States of America: Notes on the Decline of a Great Nation

You guys took "post 9/11 world" to a new level, ignoring the historical events that made the US a beacon of freedom - instead marginalising and undermining the legal & constitutional protections put in place that made you BETTER than your enemies...

Good articles both. However I cannot use them to generate a slope for the decline. cn
so it isn't tyranny as long as you are part of the we? as long as the we maintains a majority there can be no tyranny? so if i choose not to be part of the we, it's my own damn fault? it's funny, but i seem to recall a small piece of paper that limited what the government could do - even if it is backed by a majority of the people. when a government, even under a mandate by the majority, imposes unjustifiable demands upon a segment of the population, this is a tyranny.

No, that's how you choose to see it only. It's a state of mind. And you can choose what you want. You see tyranny. I see WE. No one did this to us, we have some how "done" this to ourselves.

I don't see any problems, because i used to. But, then I understand we are in the middle of pure struggle. So, no need to drum up a revolution. It's happening every day, in every way. It's an evolution of the little ole peice of paper as we struggle. We struggle to understand, to convince ourselves by debate, get a grip, get a toke. Get laid. Make the grade. Figure out if there is a right end to be up....

There is no class struggle, to me. There is no world to save. There is just Knowledge of Self and our various Understanding. You can choose. I can choose.
Why are you on RUI, to make fun of people? Do you even grow? I have honestly never seen you post anything that doesn't put someone else down.

No offense man but judging by your avatar, I would think twice before questioning anyone on their growing/growing ability.
Nice shoes, H, next to spiky....beachball?? (look Ma, no stems!)
Those shoes were in bits when I took that, can't be walking soil over the whole apartment can we?

Thank God no more apartments, they're terrible for growing in.
No, that's how you choose to see it only. It's a state of mind. And you can choose what you want. You see tyranny. I see WE. No one did this to us, we have some how "done" this to ourselves.
though it is true that the "we" have done this to ourselves, one should never ignore the individual. society is perfectly justified in protecting itself from those few who would maliciously do damage to its integrity, but the mob becomes a tyrannical beast when it seeks to hinder the individual simply for its own avarice or to appease its own fears.

You can choose. I can choose.
you can choose for you. i can choose for me. "we" cannot choose for others. when we do, this is tyranny.
you can choose for you. i can choose for me. "we" cannot choose for others. when we do, this is tyranny.

then go live on a fucking desert island or deep in the woods.

meanwhile, i'll go ahead and stick around here where "we" get to choose that others stop at red lights and aren't allowed to diddle kids.

i guess that makes you pro kiddy diddling, since you cannot choose for the diddlers.
then go live on a fucking desert island or deep in the woods.

meanwhile, i'll go ahead and stick around here where "we" get to choose that others stop at red lights and aren't allowed to diddle kids.

i guess that makes you pro kiddy diddling, since you cannot choose for the diddlers.

I think I see the disconnect now. We respect your freedom to NOT be diddled too.

My right to throw a punch stops at your face. This is not a difficult concept. Just because we call for individual freedom does not mean individuals have the right to infringe on others freedoms. It's pretty cool how that works once it's explained to you isn't it?
then go live on a fucking desert island or deep in the woods.

meanwhile, i'll go ahead and stick around here where "we" get to choose that others stop at red lights and aren't allowed to diddle kids.

i guess that makes you pro kiddy diddling, since you cannot choose for the diddlers.
as usual, your sorry excuse for a brain couldn't keep up with the post as a whole. did you bother to read the sentence above the one you quoted or were you too busy begging the in-laws for next month's rent? i would suggest you disengage your melon from your ass, but i'm afraid it has been there far too long. instead, maybe you could just refrain from speaking about things you simply don't understand. of course, this would mean we might never hear from you again. now that's what i call a win/win situation.
There are many thing the government has done or taken away that is considered tyrannical. They have enfringed on the right to bear arms. They have taken away due process. They take tax payer money to help start wars and keep them going so they can take even more tax payer money to put in their pockets. They made insider trading for themselves. The government spies on you. They force you to some people to do things they don't want to like with smart meters. These are probably minor accounts of tyranny but in America it is tyrannical.
There are many thing the government has done or taken away that is considered tyrannical. They have enfringed on the right to bear arms. They have taken away due process. They take tax payer money to help start wars and keep them going so they can take even more tax payer money to put in their pockets. They made insider trading for themselves. The government spies on you. They force you to some people to do things they don't want to like with smart meters. These are probably minor accounts of tyranny but in America it is tyrannical.
You didn't even once directly mention weed.

Shame on you.

Why do you support tyranny?
I just think some on the farm team are a little mixed up. Words are already morph by our own minds before we even say them. Precision builds understanding. Purposeful, precisionlessness is propaganda.

Let's take a totally make up word. Cottie. Now the cottie is either the best part of a woman or it's a nasty little fantasy critter of some kind. "EWWWWWwww. You got COOOTIES! ewww."

But, it is also a Hasbro game from my lost youth. Roll dice, racing to put together a giant plastic Bug. (give me a 6, just need one more leg)

You can say I have cooties and am tyrannical. Meaningless, because that is not what tyranny is. We are the opposite of tyranny. We set up against it, and we will use it against itself.

N. Korea
(was Iraq)

...constitute the axis of evil for this one reason.

Actual tyranny. (1 down, 2 to go)

tyr·an·ny (t
)n. pl. tyr·an·nies
A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.
3. Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly:

"I have sworn . . . eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" (Thomas Jefferson).
We set up aganist it, and we will use it against itself.

N. Korea
(was Iraq) consitute the axis of evil for this one reason. Actual tyranny.

tyr·an·ny (t
)n. pl. tyr·an·nies 1. A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.
3. Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly:

Please... Your government has and still does support tyrannical regimes, you can't keep picking and choosing which nutbags to support on any given day. How much blowback will be enough?
Please... Your government has and still does support tyrannical regimes, you can't keep picking and choosing which nutbags to support on any given day. How much blowback will be enough?
Obama Executive Order 2000000000000000001:

Redefine "tyranny" to no longer include Obamaland.
WE do keep picking and choosing among the very horrible to most bad choices because it never gets any better than bad. WE are forced to make bad choices over the horrible ones for our own reasons.

It's generally called the Art of War. It is a long term deal. And we learned a hard lesson in WW2. Almost losing almost sucks!

"Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de-camp, and door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these." Sun Tsu
This seems apropos, I came across it, just now, looking for other stuff.
Man—every man—is not an end only to himself, nor a means to the ends of others; he must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself; he must work for his rational self-interest, with the achievement of his own happiness as the highest moral purpose of his life.
