the tyrannical government

as usual, your sorry excuse for a brain couldn't keep up with the post as a whole. did you bother to read the sentence above the one you quoted or were you too busy begging the in-laws for next month's rent? i would suggest you disengage your melon from your ass, but i'm afraid it has been there far too long. instead, maybe you could just refrain from speaking about things you simply don't understand. of course, this would mean we might never hear from you again. now that's what i call a win/win situation.

you said "we" cannot choose for others, because that is tyranny.

but "we" choose a lot of things for others, such as having to stop at red lights and no kiddy diddling.

but you find the whole "no kiddy diddling" to be tyranny, because that is "we" telling others what they may or may not do.

why don't you go advocate for nambla with your long-winded, blowhard, purple prose?
you said "we" cannot choose for others, because that is tyranny.
but "we" choose a lot of things for others.....
poor, poor bucky..... i guess the subtleties of the english language are just a bit too much for you. perhaps i failed to highlight the important parts for your or maybe it's that you are unaccustomed to anything more than the monosyllabic grunts uttered by your like-minded mob. so, for the sake of your enlightenment, i'll try to make this easy for you.
society is perfectly justified in protecting itself from those few who would maliciously do damage to its integrity
this was the part of that post you either failed to understand or simply glossed over in your rush to make a fool of yourself. now, are such protections tyrannies? of course they are. they are the petty tyrannies we are willing to have imposed upon us for the sake of living in a society. there are plenty of places in this world where there are no red lights to stop at and you can screw as many 12 year olds as you like. these are merely the rules of this society that were set in place to provide reasonable protection for all of us. these are not arbitrary rules designed to cater to only one segment of the population or to placate the fears of the ignorant mob.

now we're getting into some tricky territory for folks like you, so you might want to go find an adult to help you through the rest of this......

the question then is "what are reasonable protections?" the simple answer, the only one folks like you are really capable of understanding, is that they are protections from the inevitable infringement on the rights of others. if i continuously run red lights, eventually i will cause death, injury or, at the very least, property damage to someone else. this would be infringing on their rights. if you decide to go and screw your neighbor's 11 year old daughter or son, then you are directly infringing on the rights of that child. children cannot consent, so you are essentially raping the child. whose rights am i infringing on if i wish to own an assault weapon? if i own this weapon can anyone say that anyone will be killed by it? whose rights am i infringing upon if i make a billion dollars and wish to keep the majority of it? am i depriving anyone? of course not. as long as i am not engaging in any practice that intrudes on the rights of anyone else in order to make that billion, there is no reason i shouldn't be able to do with it as i please.

of course a certain portion of my wealth must be shared with the society around me. this is one of the petty tyrannies we all agree to. a certain degree of security must be allowed those incapable of caring for themselves, the society must be protected from its enemies and the bureaucracy needed to manage these things must be paid for. the problem rises when these simple matters become bloated, as they have now become. the problem is a welfare state that increases in size at every turn. the problem is a military filled with inefficiencies and graft. the problem is a bureaucracy growing by leaps and bounds, intent on micro-managing and stifling the society it was designed to serve. we have long since passed the point at which the petty tyranny of government by the mob must be considered a gross tyranny, both unsupportable and immoral.