The u.s. defense budget and the "war on drugs"


New Member

The U.S.A. has a defense budget higher than the top 5 combined! The U.S. fake war on "terrorism" is costing the U.S. billions. Even tho the total number of worldwide attacks in 2011, however, dropped by almost 12 percent from 2010 and nearly 29 percent from 2007. "In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years. Of 978 terrorism-related kidnapping last year, only three hostages were private U.S. citizens, or .003 percent. A private citizen is defined as 'any U.S. citizen not acting in an official capacity on behalf of the U.S. government. And of the 13,288 people killed by terrorist attacks last year, seventeen were private U.S. citizens, or .001 percent.

Now to turn to another waste of U.S. tax payers money, the so called "war on drug". The U.S. federal government spent over $15 billion dollars in 2010 on the "war on drugs", at a rate of about $500 per second. State and local governments spent at least another 25 billion dollars. The number of people already arrested for drug law offenses this Year is 548,147. Someone is arrested for violating a drug law every 19 seconds. Arrests for drug law violations this year are expected to exceed the 1,663,582 arrests of 2009. Law enforcement made more arrests for drug abuse violations than for any other offense in 2009.
Police arrested an estimated 858,408 people for cannabis violations in 2009. Of those charged with cannabis violations, approximately 89 percent were charged with possession only. An American is arrested for violating cannabis laws every 30 seconds.

On Dec. 31, 2011, there were 197,050 sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction. Of these, 94,600 were serving time for drug offenses, 14,900 for violent offenses, 10,700 for property offenses, and 69,000 for "public order" offenses (of which 22,100 were sentenced for immigration offenses, 29,800 for weapons offenses, and 17.100 for "other". Since December 31, 1995, the U.S. prison population has grown an average of 43,266 inmates per year. About 25 percent are sentenced for drug law violations. On Dec. 31, 2010, there were 1,362,028 sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction. Of these, 237,000 were serving time for drug offenses, 725,000 for violent offenses, 249,500 for property offenses, 142,500 for "public order" of0fenses (which include weapons, drunk driving, court offenses, commercialized vice, morals and decency offenses, liquor law violations, and other public-order offenses), and 7,900 for "other/unspecified". The average cost to house an inmate per year is $47,102.

Of the 4,055,514 adults on probation in the US at the end of 2010, 26% (1,054,434) were drug offenders. Of the 840,676 people on probation at the end of 2010, 35% (294,237) were drug offenders.

The U.S. needs to get rid of the fake wars that the U.S. tax payers are all fighting!


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Whatever gives you a boner fag, keep it up. Nice to know i turn you on so much.
Welcome to the politics section. Here you will find teabaggers, conspiracy theorists, and useless arguments that devolve into ad hominem attacks.

Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the politics section. Here you will find teabaggers, conspiracy theorists, and useless arguments that devolve into ad hominem attacks.

Enjoy your stay.

With all the worthless fucks like buck around, no wonder why people can't smoke there dope in peace!
With all the worthless fucks like buck around, no wonder why people can't smoke there dope in peace!

Given his harsh words, you might be surprised to know that he's one of the few here who has the patience to smack down the resident teatards. Some of his posts are pretty entertaining.
Given his harsh words, you might be surprised to know that he's one of the few here who has the patience to smack down the resident teatards. Some of his posts are pretty entertaining.

If only he didn't try so hard for negative attention. And put that thought process towards something useful.
Welcome to the politics section. Here you will find teabaggers, conspiracy theorists, and useless arguments that devolve into ad hominem attacks.

Enjoy your stay.

Be warned!
I agree. There are many left wing nutcases in here like God Here and Buck and Cheese and...........

If these fuckers don't like your post, they will try to distract the main topic with other topics then personal assaults.
Their illogic will make you angry and you'll be turning to the extract posts to cure your headaches.

Also, it gives Buck a boner if you misspell words or use poor grammar.
Be Warned!
Be warned!
I agree. There are many left wing nutcases in here like God Here and Buck and Cheese and...........

If these fuckers don't like your post, they will try to distract the main topic with other topics then personal assaults.
Their illogic will make you angry and you'll be turning to the extract posts to cure your headaches.

Also, it gives Buck a boner if you misspell words or use poor grammar.
Be Warned!

The cartoon character speaks.
Be warned!
I agree. There are many left wing nutcases in here like God Here and Buck and Cheese and...........

If these fuckers don't like your post, they will try to distract the main topic with other topics then personal assaults.
Their illogic will make you angry and you'll be turning to the extract posts to cure your headaches.

Also, it gives Buck a boner if you misspell words or use poor grammar.
Be Warned!

I honestly could give a fuck what that welfare addict buck has to say about anything. He's fat ass has been stuck in that computer chair for over 37,000 post now. We all know he has no real life, outside of the internet.
Given his harsh words, you might be surprised to know that he's one of the few here who has the patience to smack down the resident teatards. Some of his posts are pretty entertaining.

Wow the resident cock sucker slobbing on the forums.

What God Here forgot to mention is he/she is a fruitcake anarchist that has a soft spot for far left nutjobs. I find it interesting how anarchist and libtards are so fond of each other.
Wow the resident cock sucker slobbing on the forums.

What God Here forgot to mention is he/she is a fruitcake anarchist that has a soft spot for far left nutjobs. I find it interesting how anarchist and libtards are so fond of each other.

I'd say the second part is quite accurate. But for you it must be hard always trying to appear conservative while being a closet homosexual.
Yea, i could talk about this war on drugs bullshit all fucking day. But i can't type it, that'll take way too long. But in essence, fuck the war on drugs, fuck reagan, fuck anyone who agrees with the war on drugs and fuck anyone who disagrees with me on this topic. Good day.