The u.s. defense budget and the "war on drugs"

Whatever gives you a boner fag, keep it up. Nice to know i turn you on so much.

oh, cool.

he's not only an angry little high school drop out, he's openly bigoted to boot.

$10 says he's from the south.

are you from the south by any chance?
Wow the resident cock sucker slobbing on the forums.

What God Here forgot to mention is he/she is a fruitcake anarchist that has a soft spot for far left nutjobs. I find it interesting how anarchist and libtards are so fond of each other.

why didn't you tell us that your big brother started posting on these forums? i see you taught him grammar.
Given his harsh words, you might be surprised to know that he's one of the few here who has the patience to smack down the resident teatards. Some of his posts are pretty entertaining.

maybe if you've a head full of shit and can't think for yourself... Apologies, forgot who I was replying to...
Be warned!
I agree. There are many left wing nutcases in here like God Here and Buck and Cheese and...........

If these fuckers don't like your post, they will try to distract the main topic with other topics then personal assaults.
Their illogic will make you angry and you'll be turning to the extract posts to cure your headaches.

Also, it gives Buck a boner if you misspell words or use poor grammar.
Be Warned!

That's when you know he's got nothing...
Wow the resident cock sucker slobbing on the forums.

What God Here forgot to mention is he/she is a fruitcake anarchist that has a soft spot for far left nutjobs. I find it interesting how anarchist and libtards are so fond of each other.

anarchist? he's nothing but nuttgobbling socialist with a major hardon for his hero obama... Chesus, Buck, God and a bunch of ladyboys playing soggy sayos in the oval office...
The U.S. needs to get rid of the fake wars that the U.S. tax payers are all fighting!

While I agree with the post I find you quite detestable. Maybe change that avatar or expect to be heckled. You've brought up such a default topic by copy pasting a mellifluously written article which lacks aim toward any specific factor of blame but instead appeals to anti gov't sentiment in such a way that would target the left. This, coupled with your proud display of right wing zeal would lead me to conclude that you are in fact seeking those with views outside of your own to engage with in internet bickering and therefore are quite desiring attention from UncleBuck.

It is the right wing, neoliberal world trade empire of the west (with a history of colonialism) that is behind the wars you claim to despise.
Fuck the war on drugs. The stats speak for themselves. Hopefully someday soon the rest of America and the world will wake the fuck up!

Thanks for the defense echelon, these guys get fucking annoying after a while
I like b5150's avatar and dont mind if you like or hate me. I ve partied for 33 years and been to the cup where everybody is like happy 420 but most ignorant stoners dont know that 420 was Hitlers birthday. I smile everytime I hear 420, maybe if whoever wasnt stoned they might have picked a diffarent day, but was too stupid and didnt know anything about history so 420 is here to stay like it or not. I have a problem with stoners that whine free speech,freedom of religion, and legalize it and all that tree hugging crap, and when someone expresses himself with an avatar or something they dont like they dog whoever out. Thats wrong and a hypocrit in my book because everyone has a right to be who they want to be even if you dont like or agree with it. More power to b5150 for having the guts to post whatever avatar he wants. Hate me ,de-friend me, it doesnt matter to me but proves my point.
Did you need to look that up on wiki or was your mother readily available to administer your medication via suppository? You still breastfeeding at 16?

Unlike you I went to college and got an education. Obviously it was you who had to look that up on Wikipedia.
Unlike you I went to college and got an education. Obviously it was you who had to look that up on Wikipedia.

A socialist edcuation a comrade? What was your major in - Douchebag bullshitting based on wiki?

oh and dickhead if you had gone to college, you wouldn't cite wiki in any way, shape or form.

Grade school kids know this but apparently you don't... You must've passed with flying colours just like bucky boy...
Fuck the war on drugs. The stats speak for themselves. Hopefully someday soon the rest of America and the world will wake the fuck up!

Thanks for the defense echelon, these guys get fucking annoying after a while

glad to know we have people that will read this thread for what it is, and not talk shit all day