The u.s. defense budget and the "war on drugs"

That they do an for what, so buck can gain 10lbs every post.... And whatever "gods" point is? To dis on you. Even tho, all i was trying to say is how much money is wasted in the U.S. on worthless shit
If we been as successful at preventing terrorism against US citizens as you described, how can you say the money was wasted? I work for the earth quake prevention office in N Fl. We've never had a earth quake. So they increased our budget because we were so successful.
If we HAD been as successful at preventing terrorism against US citizens as you described, how can you say the money was wasted? I work for the earth quake prevention office in N Fl. We've never had aN earth quake. So they increased our budget because we were so successful.

some nobel prize winning grammar there, red.
Yea, i could talk about this war on drugs bullshit all fucking day. But i can't type it, that'll take way too long. But in essence, fuck the war on drugs, fuck reagan, fuck anyone who agrees with the war on drugs and fuck anyone who disagrees with me on this topic. Good day.
Reagan? I fucking thought it was fucking Nixon who fucking started the fucking war on fucking drugs?

Anyone that goes to college knows Wikipedia is not a source for academic writing. This does not discredit the use of Wikipedia on internet forums, where constituent access to scholarly resources such as ebsco, proquest, jstor, etc, probably does not exist, except for a select few. In the world of the interwebs, Wikipedia is every bit as valid as the guardian, daily mail, cnn, fox, msnbc etc., and depending on the choice wiki's vetting process may actually be better.
Anyone that goes to college knows Wikipedia is not a source for academic writing. This does not discredit the use of Wikipedia on internet forums, where constituent access to scholarly resources such as ebsco, proquest, jstor, etc, probably does not exist, except for a select few. In the world of the interwebs, Wikipedia is every bit as valid as the guardian, daily mail, cnn, fox, msnbc etc., and depending on the choice wiki's vetting process may actually be better.
At least it isn't under the scummy control of the Murdochs.
Reagan? I fucking thought it was fucking Nixon who fucking started the fucking war on fucking drugs?

It was Nixon, but the laws go all the way back to the Harrison tax act of 1914. It took a while for the CIA to be started and then moved into position to fund all their operations with "Black pools of Dark money" from illicit drug trade.

Pretty much for every major wrong happening in the USA there is government mixed up in it somewhere.
It was Nixon, but the laws go all the way back to the Harrison tax act of 1914. It took a while for the CIA to be started and then moved into position to fund all their operations with "Black pools of Dark money" from illicit drug trade.

Pretty much for every major wrong happening in the USA there is government mixed up in it somewhere.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Just ask Anakin Skywalker.