Logically it makes sense, would also kick up your turnover rate a treat being dry and cured, but depends on your market, was round mates and his cousin sold hima 310 1g deal of wet shit that didn't do owt. If it hadn't been his cousin i'd have told him to walk the fuck away but alas had to hold my toung, £10 down the drain, wasn't even a joint. Yet he ddoesn't ahve to lift a finger, the stuff just walks itself outta the door within hours of him recieving it. Chavs eh.
Spent last night wtching geordie shore with a case of stella and some cheese, that shit is rather entertaining, not because of what happens simply who they are haha. you like any of em donny?

maybe greg, he seems to enjoy life more than the gym so just about a respectable member of society. I'm rather enjoying all their mannerisms and slang