The UK Growers Thread!

fuck off scotish haters!!! only the other night muglys where saying i dont care if the southeast is wiped off the map!!! well fuck off with ya dole and unemployment!!!
been lurking and laughing lol ....

anyone know how he got that bho into a cool shaped block mine ends in a flat mess i have to scrape up with a razor blade !!
Whats black and white and rolls off the end of a pier?...

A nigger and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing.
fuck off scotish haters!!! only the other night muglys where saying i dont care if the southeast is wiped off the map!!! well fuck off with ya dole and unemployment!!!

hessssss back ladies and gentlemen, weighing in at 2 bottles of vodka, a breakfast french roll and a fuck load of ganja, its SAMBOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo
Hows the night shit/shift wow, u bearing up ok. I phoned a cockney the other day and his words were "fuck off you Valium munching jock cunt". Commical. Didn't even have a reply to that(dosen't happen very often) lol
oh and great pic or aviator or wtever they called there don. one my fav all time films big labowski.
wen u do trim hash do u need dry leaves till brown and crumbley or fresh? can u freeze leaves and still do it????
thnk am at day 66 flower. frosting nice now. wish would hurry up tho. most take 80 - 100 days right??
alreet fella. yeah man one of my favourites too. i dry the trim then freezse it. wet trim will give you a crap return. 80 -100 days. well some do some don't man. i flowered a sativa strain for 6.5 months a little while back. that was a freak tho.
been lurking and laughing lol ....

anyone know how he got that bho into a cool shaped block mine ends in a flat mess i have to scrape up with a razor blade !!
i have been scraping it up like that when its like earwax consistency. last night though i took about 2 grams of scrapings and heated it in a jam jar, ban marie style to soften it again. then coated a few psycho nugs with it. rocketfuel...

so to answer, you need to re heat it. you can put more butane through it and it'll liquify again too but you'll have to evap that then. i read recently of someone spraying the butane into water so it sits on top but i reckon that's got to be a reet fanny on.
Does anyone actually talk about marijuana on this thread??

nah, we're all experts so we dont bother just kinda talk shit amongst ourselves with occasional pics posted but if anyone comes in witha question sum1 will answer it.
I bought the mother-in-law some crotchless knickers for her birthday. It was nothing sexual, I just wanted to give her a better grip on her broomstick.
Holy fuck. What strain was it? How much weight did you pull? What was the smoke like?

strain was panama, think the weight was about 4+ i cant mind on exactly. smoke was exceptional, sativa soaring buzz tasted of lemons and a little spicey. high for hours., it could have gone for longer no doubt.