Well-Known Member
It is a shame that so many lives are ruined by the actions of so few
and for what..........
It is a shame that so many lives are ruined by the actions of so few
and for what..........
liddell v silva on ch 5 at the moment ufc 79..
edit : for those who ain't seen it or wanna see it again...
Did you watch the Tyson fury fight
for anyone who missed this in 600
i think the guy laughing is funnier than the guy running into the fence..
lmfao got me going now, im the worst for that, even if it aint funny, if some 1 eles starts laughing im away lol, but was funny as lmfao
You lot heard amy winehouse is dead ... stupid bitch should of gone to rehab n said yes yes yes lmao !
yes i read your post and it was full of sympathy for her lol can i just ask wot the fuck has oxycontin got to do with amys over dose ? Ill tell u jak shit but if ya gotta leave carry on bro but while u do just run through my post again and youll c why my post had relevance to your post and her death!! At the end of the day she was a selfish cunt that had it all but threw it all away end of!! Dura your right bro he ll b next im sure??? did you even read my origanal post??? what the fuck has oxycontin overdoses got to do with running crack for yardies at 15 lmao i give up.
my riu time is at a end the friends ive made no me email n number but im done, see no more point talking drunken shite on here learnt all i need and dont need to bait it up any more than i have been. its been emotional lol
take care all stay safe.
where do you find these things...........very odd lol
on teh tinternets