The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Atleast they've popped eh. Got me a barneys blue cheese comming along nicely and some mr nice critical mass all in coco. This plant magic nutes im trying out are real good, very impressed so far.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Heh, my friend arrived at around 8:30, i gave him one volcano bag of cheese and that's all he had :D i managed about 5 but i think i was anything but subtle when in the shop

Gotta thank you del, i had many reservations but you and a couple of other folk persuaded me without you even knowing and its all gravy :)


Active Member
ttt you also have the vapbong dont you, whats that like was looking it up online the other day and looks sweet, so does the volcano (well worth the cash by what you have said) :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, the volcano fucked me voer financially, gotta ditch the car in a few days, but it appears well worth it :) Havn't actually tried the vapbong yet, it's really a pretty simple concept, a small testtube with a smaller inner tube and flow regulation, could be built in a science lab for 50p. Basically a weed pipe except you heat the glass not weed and it vaps if ou're careful. Only real observation is you can get absolutely sweet fuck all worth of weed in it.


Active Member
cheers thought it looked small on net but that doesnt mean shite but thanks for the heads up that helps :). Shame about the car eh couldnt do without mine at the mo even though it prob needs few hundred to sort out all the problems on it D'oh but might have to invest in a volcano when we got some cash for sure :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
IT the DVLA's new cunting rules! My car was taxed a month ago, not even that, but if i cannot afford insurance, then i have to declare my car sorn, that means it can't be parked at the kerb side. I can't afford insurance just yet due to the tax man taking all my taxes he had no right to have still waiting on that refund, and i do not live somewhere where i can park it off road, so the government has basically said i either pay insurance companies or i have to sell my car, it's a fucking joke, i am tempted to set fire to it in the middle of the road and claim it was stolen, might as well cost them a fortune if they're gonna try dicking me around.


Active Member
I know they are fuckers like that what are you ment to do. you have tax so its legal to leave on the road but no insurance well if it gets hit its covered by driver that hit it, so long as you dont drive it whats there fucking problem

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yup, they;re basically saying that by having tax to make it road legal, but no insurance, you're guilty of conspiring to drive uninsured. This is truly minority report going down. You fine me when you catch me driving uninsured you useless cunts, what in fuck do we pay them for if they;re this fucking incompetent?


Active Member
exactly mate just a fucking catch 22, cunts, i cut my back fence down few years ago to beat that problem, 5 mins with chainsaw and helped beat the system as car was off the road but i couldnt do that here so i would be in the same boat.


Well-Known Member
Government's broke, people. They're doing anything they can to bring in money. People getting pulled over and fined for the littlest thing. More fines given out by courts. Chasing up anything unpaid.


Well-Known Member
Our scummy government really have you over a barrel if you want to drive in our country for sure. Its all bloody contract breaking statutes that they use to fuck people with - not laws. No such thing as a privately owned car in the UK (unless you only keep it and use it on private land) - instead, you are signing over ownership of it to the government the second you tax it. With the government then graciously allowing you drive it untill they decide they want to fleece you for some cash and then its pay up or loose your property. Stinks to high heaven, just like our whole so called democracy.

The only things that are against the law are acts which cause harm or loss to another person - EVERYTHING else is a statue and only applicable to you if you enter into a contract with the officer attempting to implement it. Very interesting and educational lecture here for anyone who is sick of bullying police and corrupt policies - - :peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To top it ogg i just got woken up by my mechanic saying MOT is nearly due, since i've had this car i've spent close to a thousand pounds on 2 MOT's. This puppy aint gonna be driving for along while, time to look seriously into a motorbike. Everything in life is designed to drive you into needing that higher paid job to maintain your lifestyle and naturally said higher pay job means more tax to the government. Time to start selling weed i think, was chatting to a friend who talked me into starting, he holds down his own company and such, but yet has still in the past maintained grows that've brought him £16K tax free as side income.

John Harris appears to be a bit of a sham, not sure what his motives are but a lot of what he said might make sense but is in essence bullshit. Some of what he sais is correct but you'll not get a court in the land to admit it. That's howit works, higher up, less likely they are to obey the law. Could you even contemplate the courts trying the queen or PM for treason even if we had a youtube video of her commiting it, yet hell, there's a fairly serious case of exactly this that they're just blowing off due to their beliefs, regardless of actual facts. (i have that in writing from the commonwealth office)

Stand up and count yourself a rebel! And refuse to pay any taxes or such on conscience reasons.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, it's like the counter-darkside though. Instead of selling weed to buy lots of toys, i want to sell some weed so people'll leave me the fuck alone and let me just live :D

I just weighed up my popcorn and trim from the last cheese plant i harvested, 3.9 ounces :) 110g on the nose, i'm gonna get a heck of a lot of oil from that come this evening :) could sell that for a small fortune UK being the UK. and it's all technically free money, i have my 4.5 ounces of bud to smoke, so heeeeeeeeheeeee :D


Well-Known Member
lol you're over thinking it man, you dont need to justify it, the weed sells itself and you're merely profiting from it :D

I had an ounce of strawberry trimmings (barely any trichs) and was gonnna bin them and my mate was like ill sell that for you! went round in 2 days and the lot was gone, 120 quid, nice lol. it was just fucking leaf, not a calyx in sight! to be fair, he has 2 phones, the nobheads/ scrotes on one, and his mates on the other haha, you can guess which phonebook got the call that day.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I gave a jar with a couple of ounces of sugar trim to a mate to brew some wine. went round a month or so later he'd been smoking the stuff. said it was great as it wasn't as strong as the proper bud n he could actually smoke it without being zombified.


Well-Known Member
My wee cousin disposed of all my shit(leafs and small popcorn shit) and I gave him a q for doing it. Turns out the little cunt made £400+ out of selling the "shit". Won't be making that mistake again

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't have a single contact these days who could move things other than a slightly dodgy dealer who's constantly getting into police trouble :D