The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ahve been watchin kids telly since yesterday about 12, fireman sam, balamory, dora the wee spic and thomas the wank engine. ma heads fuckin burstin although ahve got sky sports news on the now listening tae hearts hump the kiddy fiddlers.


Well-Known Member
Gaun the jambos...............2-0 and thats the gers ten points clear, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
did you find that 6grams that you had lost???
have i fuck!! its bloody annoying although i suppose it saved me a few quid coz i'd have done in half of last nite if i had. havent really had the chance to do a full search coz ive got my wee lad with me but he'll be away later so i'll strip the fuckin house until i do.


Well-Known Member
Going round my m8's for Sunday dinner. His Mrs is a belter of a cook. Home made steak pie. Splendid. I like that word splendid. I got charged once for not having any insurance and they asked if I had anything to say, I replied "Aye, fucking splendid". They fucking read that out at court. Everyone was pissing themselves except the judge. 1 year fucking ban I got


Well-Known Member
superb! ahve had shit like that as done for a breach and no seet belt in my mates car....when my reply was read out it was ' will the pair o ye's jist fuck off and geeme peace'......judge thought it was funny so i only pulled a ton fine.


Well-Known Member
You hear the urban myth ones that you like to think/hope are true. Like the housebreaker who got 6 months and he said to the judge "6 months, I can do that standing on my head." To which the judge replied "Well have another 6 to get back on your feet then". lol


Well-Known Member
when i was younger i used to swgger intae court, totally full of myself. ide shave the side of my head so my mohican looked better and i'd have the full punk look going; bondage trousers, bleached jeans, painted bikers jacket , the fuckin lot....after a few government sponsored holidays though i kinda changed all that....suit and tie, glasses and a shop-bought haircut.


Well-Known Member
when i was younger i used to swgger intae court, totally full of myself. ide shave the side of my head so my mohican looked better and i'd have the full punk look going; bondage trousers, bleached jeans, painted bikers jacket , the fuckin lot....after a few government sponsored holidays though i kinda changed all that....suit and tie, glasses and a shop-bought haircut.
would the phrase be, cant take the punk out of a scot, or vice versa?


Well-Known Member
Hi lads heres what i done today,well my great bird lol.clean and ready for next them a few more days in the rockwool and away i go.A poor wee NL i put in there shame need some more to keep her happy lol:weed:


Well-Known Member
10 weeks on weds for the psychosis`s`s`s`s and there still not producing so i think im just going to chop em and fill the tent up with these sweet cheese clones ive got ready, will be lucky to get an oz a plant of airy bud methinks :-(

Hows everyone else`s grows going?


Well-Known Member
my little grow is going well, thats 2 weeks since removal from seedling area where they had been for 5 or 6 days after germ'ing and the 4 in dwc are laying down a lot of nice clean root and their all about 4 inches high and on there 4th set of leaves, nice tight node spacing. 2 of the 3 in soil are about the same and one little ak48 is just sitting there doing almost nothin. think ahll do a res chang and shift them onto half strength feed. i cant find my biobizz grow so the soil ones are getting hydro nutes right now. fuckin temps are 32c and i cant get them shifted, fuckin indian summer get tae fuck, ah want fuckin rain and high winds.