The UK Growers Thread!

Halloween is a silly time of year, yanks take it rather seriously :D I myself figure that if someone is standing on my doorstep trying to coerce something out of me through threats, i say violence at this point is fully justified.

Don, that's generally how it works with purple sprouting broc, water nabs the colour and you're left with green but skinny broccoli, still tastes nice though :) Steak and guiness pie for me tonight and another rather mundane alcohol free night.
Well, 3 months after my 1st grow finished & I'm back where I started. Skint & no weed.
I couldnt start another grow straight away cos I had 10 days in Greece booked in for sept and I knew they'd just die with no one to water them.
Still its not all bad, holiday was fucking safe and its pay day tmrw - tho the weed round my way hasnt got any better :(
I started some kataract kush plants a couple of weeks ago but they've been shit, barely getting past the 'water cress stage'. Its been doing my head in but I realised tonight I didnt put any perlite in the soil so I'm praying its just that. Have slung my remaining 6 seeds into a wet paper towel tonight as I need to get another grow on ASAP! I miss tending to my garden FFS
ps cant believe in the 3 months since Ive been on here Dura's gone clean!! (good shit tho man)
haha! doesn't matter mate, giving yourself (and the barmaids!) a break is all the body needs when given serious ongoing abuse (no offence like)
A young guy turns up at a hotel reception:

"I'd like a single room, please."

"Certainly, sir," says the receptionist. "With bath or shower?"

The guy is a bit short of cash, so he asks, "What's the difference?"

"You have to stand in the shower," says the receptionist.
As I coughed, my mate said, "You know what's good for a sore throat, don't you?"
I said, "Yes, yes, don't tell me, you're going to say spunk."
He said, "No, I'm going to say Lockets! What the fuck's wrong with you?"
ah canny be fucked doin it, ahm leavin it tae sunday, ahm supposed tae be goin tae look at a decorating job. its an ex -bird of mine so there mite sum added bonus. this is the first paid job ahve done in about 4 years ah think.
ah canny be fucked doin it, ahm leavin it tae sunday, ahm supposed tae be goin tae look at a decorating job. its an ex -bird of mine so there mite sum added bonus. this is the first paid job ahve done in about 4 years ah think.

Sounds like theses pills are doing you more harm than good eh :D Dura, job, ha fuck off
dura i dont get it mate , why would you say you enjoy not being hung over , you enjoy being clean but come xmas you will go back to how you were before ?!
maybe its just me but why not use the tablets to get clean and just have the old one or 2 drinks and bit of sniff at the weekend? ? just cant see why you would enjoy getting clean just to openly admit your gonna fuck yaself up again come xmas ?!?