kevin murphy
New Member
lol don thanks for the reminder lol
not all bad then mate lol
proper bargain mate doin good pal ive put a update on mi last page if u on 40 posts per page if not it on second to last page...
Sounds good Dura. I don't understand the idea of a stress filled life myself, my older brother is a prime example, following in my dads footsteps, work your arse off, pull 18 hour days, never get time to yourself, but hey, you get some money right. Myself, i want a glass and wood workshop, some vegetable patches, couple of dogs and cats, and just enjoy life
I also understand now your frustration with ticks dura, good mate came over yesterday and after some smokes an whatnot, ended up wanting to take a half ounce away, now i'm getting the old bollocks of "well i'm waiting on money from jim" fuck off you cunt i sold it to you so you pay me, if i wanted to wait for my money to come in from jim i'd have split it up and sold it to him myself. what a nob. He's not getting any more ever again.
its the tick thats the issue, i dont stress about getting busted or anything like that because after a few years you dont even register those thoughts, you've sorted all that and just get on with it. even the tic on smoke isnt really a problem either because other than 1 or 2 notable exceptions i wont give anyone a tab of over £50, its the fuckin charlie that fucks it all up, ive got one bird that owes nearly 2 ton and because of a genuine medical problem she cant come over and give me it, but this doesnt matter a fuck to the guys i owe to. with the white it only takes 2 customers to be unavailable and thats my fuckin arse out the window. i only really started doing it because i was running around doing favours for people for no reward other than a thankyou line when i dropped gear off after that it was really only to cover my own intake, i did end up gettin more involved but i pulled away from that as i didnt want to be facing 5 or 6 years in jail if it went pete tong but for the last while it just felt as if i wasnt making any cash any was gettin constantly whined at, so fuck them all they can go elsewhere, ive done a lot of favours and very rarely did i ever get heavy or even nag so i dont owe any cunt a damn thing. i know if i put the effort into growing that i used for charlie dealing i'll make more money, have a relaxing, interesting and rewarding hobby and i wont have to live with constant stress. i think its been because ive been off the bozze for a bit tha my mind is seeing things more clearly as oopossed to just gettin smashed and ignoring it all. maybe if i chuck it i'll actually get a handle on my drinking and the good ship dura will sail in calmer waters.
afternoon miscreants. anyone know where to get some decent sized buckets for DWC, not brand ones already made for it. what did you get for yours dura?
I know how you feel dura, i lent a good mate of mine a nice bit of money to help him get back on his feet but him and a couple others ended up getting robbed for it and everything else they had. i know he would pay if he had it but hes broke.
Sticky Sticky Situations :\