The UK Growers Thread!

U know yourself chedz that u just have to do it and see how it goes. Your first grow in a new enviroment, your always tweeking and fucking about with things until u get it right. Ive just managed to get my temps to 26 with lights and 13 without. Took 2 months. lol

Fuck me bru 2 months lol your takin the piss surely mate ? I didnt want answers bro just some1 that is doin the same thing so i could pick there brains with pros and cons !!
Fuck me bru 2 months lol your takin the piss surely mate ? I didnt want answers bro just some1 that is doin the same thing so i could pick there brains with pros and cons !!

Im a lazy cunt m8. Aye 2 months, up here in Scotland u get 4 seasons in one day, fucking nightmare to control temps but now solved with insulation, aircon when needed and a bit of luck. lol
Lol. You silly sausages worrying about temperatures :lol: I never replaced my thermometer for a reason, it was a waste of time :D I reckon the "art" of growing weed has been intentionally complicated by various people under the idea of making money. Seems 95% of what people say you need to have for your grow is in reality bollocks. Cracks me up listening to people talk about what supplements and boosters and additives they need to use to get rid of a bit of yellowing etc. While i'm pondering, i also think cigarette filters are simply a money making scam. Sure they filter a portion of the bad stuff out, but then you gotta have another one 20 minutes later. I can easily smoke a cigarette a day wihtout a filter, if i have straits or use filters, i can find myself chain smoking em, and the filters not doing THAT good of a job.

Afternon all!
Lol. You silly sausages worrying about temperatures :lol: I never replaced my thermometer for a reason, it was a waste of time :D I reckon the "art" of growing weed has been intentionally complicated by various people under the idea of making money. Seems 95% of what people say you need to have for your grow is in reality bollocks. Cracks me up listening to people talk about what supplements and boosters and additives they need to use to get rid of a bit of yellowing etc. While i'm pondering, i also think cigarette filters are simply a money making scam. Sure they filter a portion of the bad stuff out, but then you gotta have another one 20 minutes later. I can easily smoke a cigarette a day wihtout a filter, if i have straits or use filters, i can find myself chain smoking em, and the filters not doing THAT good of a job.

Afternon all!
haha ttt the heat isnt a issue but using heaters to warm flower rooms is pointless dont u think wen i have a room that is constantly havin heat pulled out there
haha ttt the heat isnt a issue but using heaters to warm flower rooms is pointless dont u think wen i have a room that is constantly havin heat pulled out there

Using a heater to warm a flower room would not be pointless, just incredibly inefficient unless you are recycling the warm waste air into heating your property. Even a pissy little electric fan heater will run at at least 3kw/h which is just bonkers, buy 3 1kw lights and just grow auto's instead :D Best thing to do if you have the space and the will, is simply to set up the rooms to be alternating light cycles so that when one is off, there is one that is on, you could even have the exhaust air from the light-on room being pumped into one of the light-off rooms to keep temps even.
Using a heater to warm a flower room would not be pointless, just incredibly inefficient unless you are recycling the warm waste air into heating your property. Even a pissy little electric fan heater will run at at least 3kw/h which is just bonkers, buy 3 1kw lights and just grow auto's instead :D Best thing to do if you have the space and the will, is simply to set up the rooms to be alternating light cycles so that when one is off, there is one that is on, you could even have the exhaust air from the light-on room being pumped into one of the light-off rooms to keep temps even.

Ttt this is wot i was on about lol is it me or are u stoned lmfao?!!
I don't know what you may or may not have been on about :D I was indeed stoned and for some reason your posts shape resembled a dictatorship for some reason, i stopped reading haha. Let me go read it properly :D But yeah it's perfectly reasonable to vent warm air in if needed :) Maybe have a passive intake vent as well as the warm air intake. I would explain my reasoning but it is reasoning of no scientific merit :D
Chedds why have 2 flower rooms mate?..............just have 1 an with the 2x 600w have 1 lower for the young uns an high for the older, will save you loads of work buildin an controllin temps an stuff in 2 rooms, and will be better for space and to get in there an shit. oh an bang the mh in there anall lol
The counter argument could be that having two stops you having to fuck about with lights. 1st room deals with their stretch, 2nd with their budding, i've always found it a pain in the arse when doing a perpetual to continue propping things up on top of random objects from around the flat. Although a rebuttal to that could be that you still do a perpetual, but you keep the stretching ones clear to one side with their 1 light lowered, and the 4 week flowering ones to theother side. What a polava.


This was an inspiration to me while at boarding school. All hail double sided sticky pads.
They were on about the wind in scotland on the news & they went to some footage of north ayrshire. Have to say dura has always painted a pretty depressing picture of them parts but it looks fuckin bleak man.
The before and after pics look the same?

They were on about the wind in scotland on the news & they went to some footage of north ayrshire. Have to say dura has always painted a pretty depressing picture of them parts but it looks fuckin bleak man.
GUYS and GIRLS we need to sign this..

Legalise cannabis - e-petitions
A desire for the House of Commons to give a comprehensive debate regarding the merits of legalising cannabis. A need for Parliament to discuss the consequences of legalisation on health, the police force, the economy and our civil liberties. An aim to classify cannabis in line with drugs such …

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its getin the ball started we need 100 000 names signed for april..... Come on i want to go down my local cop shop and smoke a big fat spliff infront of them murdering scumbags that killed my bby girls...