The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Haha, you get answers also becaus eof the timings, america is 5 hours behind us. Anyway fucking jacqui smith is down which is a good thing coz she a hoe!


Well-Known Member
part of me did a cartwheel when i saw shed stepped down!
Haha, its true though. She was an utter bitch but still there are loads of people in parliament who dont recognize Cannabis as something that can benefit people but rather are just lazy fucks and dont bother looking into it.


Something really encouraging that made me smile,

The Guardians new bus campaign -

Really put a smile on my face, and will really and hopefully kick start the debate.

The statement well, the article can speak for itsself



Well-Known Member
just read that article in the link...fucking speechless....finally a bit of truth in the media...just the spark we needed......rep+ for the link


New Member
i assume your using the dome? well u dont need 125watts for clones, try 20watt light hangin over the dome! look at my advart pic, its my propagator with a 20watt light over it! works perfect! 75 - 100% success rate if you keep them wet! this will keep temps in the 70's aswell!

or if u have a pump you could make your own bubble cloner like i did! works perfect - 101% success rate - see pics

its not a problem to have high humid levels when using a propagator thats what they are designed for! its for seedlings and clones that need high humid :joint:
Nice set up dude. lov ing your work.


New Member
I normaly grow in hydro but a little tip for any uk growers is, if you have any soil pots on the go and you can see roots at the bottom of your pot and wonder how much to water it, get a spare bucket put in about 4 inches of your mix (water nuits) then sit in your plant and leave it sitting for around 5 mins, if the plant needs/wants a drink they will draw up from the bucket ''what they need'' just repeat with the rest, i keep all my 2ltr plastic bottles and have them all pre made up, and when i need to feed my soil pots i pour a 2ltr bottle into the bucket then sit in my pot for the 5 mins, the plant will draw up via the bottom roots just what she needs, you should have some left behind in the bottom of the bucket but it saves any guess work and just pouring away into a pot, ''you are feeding from the bottom'' where the roots are where they need it.
A little snap of my work, Barneys seeds ''SWEET TOOTH'' 24 days in veg 18/6 then onto 12/12 flower till finish aprox 10 weeks, 6 girls fem seeds, fully dried 16 oz, and the punters cried out for ''MORE'' (all done under 1x400w hps)


Well-Known Member
goodbye bitch, that's what i like to see. personally she should be locked the fuck up for a decade, all of em! at this time, the expensses alone are enough to make me feel that, "within the law", i think there's this thing called a set of moral principales? basstards, i'd be sacked faster than i could run away from the boss if i cooked the books.

and that guardian thing is really really good to see, i'm fed up, reallly fed up of reading nothing but stereotypes in the paper etc, i smoke, so i'm not employed, i scrounge benefits, don't look for a job, mug old ladies to supply my habbit, and i tend to smoke in public and cause an absolute nuisance and a lot of taxpayers money.

well no, i myself c0-run a gourmet food business, at the age of 20, i work every day and don't finnish till 8pm, i pay my taxes, i pay my parking tickets, i've never been in a pub fight, and even jsut yesterday, i was told at work "you're always so friendly and nice around the place" by a customer, so yeah, they can poke it right up their arse if they don't like it.

oh, and the big irony, if i ever start a bit later than normal, i sometimes sneak in a baby reef at 9am, and i'll still out-perform near every little bugger there mentally and physically.

so who else here can claim to be a nice smoker? or do we really have some nasty little benefit thieves :P
Un-deniable, and not conttroversial that statement - thats why its so good!

Good friends dad is QC lawyer, smokes alot of dope.

Its better than having a whisky after a hard day of work.

Think about it, A man with a wife and kids gets home after a shit day at work, hits the whisky, gets carried away beats his wife and kids - Or after a hard day he goes to the pub and has a few beers, has a few more gets carried away and starts getting into pub fights. ends up running a child over or smashing a window or doing something that will cost people - money and time. ( the pub situation is alll to common aswell )


The Man with a wife and kids gets home and lights up a joint, goes to join his family in watching some soap on tv. Is more loving and chilled out. And then goes to sleep and continues the next day peacefully.

If he gets carried away with smoking, he wont fucking hurt anybody will probs just fall asleep or watch the kids cartoons or something.

And yea jacqui smith is a hoe and the guardian im reppin at the mo.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude i hold down respectable job in the education market, i mean had a few cheeky lines of breakfast this morning, just for shits n giggles doesn't mean im scarface. i did beat 3 pensioners on the way to work for their benefit books, couldnt help mesen.


oright every1 ? hope all is well, im brand new to this just thought id introduce me self, im small scale just do it for the fun, growing hindu kush at the moment. nice to see a UK thread, any1 from manchester ?


Well-Known Member
oright every1 ? hope all is well, im brand new to this just thought id introduce me self, im small scale just do it for the fun, growing hindu kush at the moment. nice to see a UK thread, any1 from manchester ?
London mate, but i know theres a few guys from manchester.
Welcome to rollitup - good luck with your grow hope you get some sweet dank from it!


Well-Known Member
Alright folks. Just thought i'd pop in and say hi. Dunno how i never came across this thread before! Good to see a uk thread. At least the info will be relevant to uk growers.


Well-Known Member
eh up UK growers.

new to the site, new to growing. but i find it incredibly addictive - a hell of a lot more addictive than smoking the stuff!

background - there are three of us growing. bored of buying '8ths' for £20 and getting 2.2gs.

so, we decided we would just get on it. i went on a trip to the dam, bought 10 seeds and we then bought a hydro kit.

we are about 6 weeks in, grow journal

having a couple of problems with one of the plants - a.m.s - but the lemon skunk is looking good.

way we look at it, if we are able to get about an oz per plant, that is 2 ounces every 3 months or so. that'll be enough for us, and means if plod comes around, you should have more of a chance of getting away with 'personal supply'.


good finding a UK thread.

i'll be around a fair amount. :-)


New Member
oright every1 ? hope all is well, im brand new to this just thought id introduce me self, im small scale just do it for the fun, growing hindu kush at the moment. nice to see a UK thread, any1 from manchester ?
Hello dude am from scotland, i lived many moons ago in Salford.

Langworthy estate.
Then just down from the cresent cop shop, but we wont go there, lol