The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well anyone whoes eligable my 50 qwid cold weather payment just gone in bank so i guess everyone elses will too :) aint free money great


Well-Known Member
whats the criteria for getting the payment?

click on the postcode finder see if your areas got them

^^ ther just incase

i mentioned this time ago as i did the free 120 qwid of ur lekki company straight onto your key/act, or sum just send u a cheque

ite ima roll a boff and chill watch these 1st 6 eps of alcatraz
peace love and bubbles


Well-Known Member
im sure i qualify coz i get income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) but the postcode checker says there hasnt been a qualifying spell of weather...ah well, still time yet.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
this should be good. when did you last refresh your filters? stay on top with that those are stinkers billy. my mate had to keep it in a glass jar in another glass jar. his bird was making him skin up in the bog ffs


Well-Known Member
this should be good. when did you last refresh your filters? stay on top with that those are stinkers billy. my mate had to keep it in a glass jar in another glass jar. his bird was making him skin up in the bog ffs
Got a fucking mamoth Rhino bout 3 months old. Hope she can handel it. If not Ill invite Dura up for 9 weeks, he will mask the smell

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@ic3 was just skimming through last night when i commented on that R5 and didn't stick around after due to being curled up on the settee with the misses. What did you mean when you asked if i had an account and could keep a ratio? I usually just download my stuff from extratorrent and occasionally piratebay, not to clued up if i'm honest mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
also from what i understand starting to flower and then reverting back to veg can take time and cause stress, might be an idea to take cuttings put them in bottles of water black them out and cover the tops and just throw them into 12/12 before rooting to see of they tell you there sex before rooting, I haven't done it personally but it's the way i'd go if i didn't have time to wait for them to root mate


Well-Known Member
I am not sure a clone is going to start throwing our pre flowers without roots. For something to grow it needs roots.....imo.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
you could very well be right DST, there is a bit of reading material that suggests that a clone will survive long enough to show it's sex and may even possibly root but i haven't tried it so can't give a solid verdict eitherway mate, I would try it myself though if i were under time restraints i just haven't been in the position to have to try it yet thankfully

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
from someone over at I.C mag..I top, removing a cutting, leaving 4 pairs of leaves on the plant. This topping makes the side shoots branch out. I LST the heck out of my plants and I like having 8 leaders to train.
Meanwhile the 2-3 inch cutting has been put in water and stuck under 12/12. Some develop roots easily, others take a while, and a few sexing clones just rot- never developing roots. They do root slower than my clones in the 24/7 cabinet. (I just figure the poor little clones are "confused" as to which to do first, root or make flowers... so they "dither around for a bit" before "deciding" to do one, or the other, or both.)

While the clones are making up their minds, the original seedling is branching out and being bent over with weights.

As soon as sex shows, the vegging plant is either transplanted, or culled, and the "sex clone" is moved to the 24/7 cabinet. I don't have enough room to grow unnecessary males in my 1 gallon pots- so they gotta go. The remaining females vegged until they are large enough and then are given their final transplant into a 19 gallon tub.

The sex clones, if rooted, are put into soil and treated like a normal clone. If they are unrooted, but sexed, I keep them in water and move them to 24/7 and hope they decide to root. I never depend on the "sex clones" surviving (they usually do), but they will flower, with, or without roots. I consider the survivors as "bonus plants".



Well-Known Member
@ic3 was just skimming through last night when i commented on that R5 and didn't stick around after due to being curled up on the settee with the misses. What did you mean when you asked if i had an account and could keep a ratio? I usually just download my stuff from extratorrent and occasionally piratebay, not to clued up if i'm honest mate
have u EVER had a acount at a private site? like ratio? seed what you donwload? i.e leave it running in youtirrent even after it hots 100% so uve seeded what youve downloaded