The UK Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sweet dude :)

did u do as i did put the extractor through hole in ceiling mounted above? does you house have any old pipes going out through the roof? if so(mine has 2) get sum ducting from extractor to that

i done that and gunna get another extractor turn it baklwards and get ducting to the othe rpipe as fresh air inlet

good luck man hope it goes well

thanks dude, at the min its just ducting to the attic, as budget allows i`ll get an inline fan,

question: is it ok to run the light without a fan running through it?


Well-Known Member
thanks dude, at the min its just ducting to the attic, as budget allows i`ll get an inline fan,

question: is it ok to run the light without a fan running through it?
what u mean like cooltube fan or just a fan in the grow room? fuk i have no light with a fan,,600 and a reflector and a 250 and reflector suppose it depned on your temps dunnit


Well-Known Member
9 in there m8 6 pyschosis and 3 real exo, 1200watts in there.
looking good then, 7 days? from clone i take it or no?

looked more than 9 fuk i hope these of TT dont mostly end up been fems itel be like a fukin jkungle in my room lol
well i do hope theyl ALL be fems lik but u know wat i mean haha


Well-Known Member
''looking good then, 7 days? from clone i take it or no?''

yeah 7days veg from rooted clone, 7days with 1200watts lol and also 1st time wit coco.......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If they're mainly fems, then that just gives you the luxuary a lof of folk would like in being able to select the best looking. If you were gonna bin males anyway then better that you can bin the worse looking females :)


Well-Known Member
If they're mainly fems, then that just gives you the luxuary a lof of folk would like in being able to select the best looking. If you were gonna bin males anyway then better that you can bin the worse looking females :)

yeh havent told the tw@ yet to forget about the clones,,i may not then il just keep em in laeu of what he owes me i know its only 20 qwid for the 8 and he owes me 50 but owts betetr than nowt of a whopper whos a real fukin messer innit tt just i think ive got enough room if i used the full length but i never have

il have to get the bathroom wall cibinate out the attik for me nutes and hang the osceling fan upside down from the celing then il have the whole room to play with its about 8 ft long and if i end up with 20 sumthing plants il need it,had to order extra pots and coco today,orderd blocks of coco anyone used them b4 i mean add water to get it rite?

thinking of topping a few of these wen shown sex bak in veg..only a coup[le incase i kill em and my yew shelf wil only cover about 8/12 maybe more if postitioned closer

was thinking of getting sum funnels and legths of hose to sit the funnol on the yew shelf and hav the hose fastened to the bottom and go to the pot on each pot coz wen big i wont be able to get in and down to feed them so if i hav funnels sitting on the shelf be much easier to feed no?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I will be honest and say that the first paragraph was double dutch. Speak English or dont speak at all :D I've never criticised you on yuor grammar before despite accusations, but now i am. Don't know what the fuck that meant :D


Well-Known Member
Evening guys and Dura. Just went on a run with my brother. Its £1400 per kilo of solid up here at the moment. Proper dry up. Fucking cannabis


Well-Known Member
I will be honest and say that the first paragraph was double dutch. Speak English or dont speak at all :D I've never criticised you on yuor grammar before despite accusations, but now i am. Don't know what the fuck that meant :D
hang on i best re-read that my self

rite i was saying that dude who has been fucking me with clones i havent toldhim i dont want them, so if he truns up on top of the 20 ive cracked i am gunna have fun,,,,i was going to texxt him saying i dont want them BUT he owes me that quater and a tenner so il just keep the clones in leau of what he owes me innit?>

and i was saying my grow room is 8 foot long i think and ive never used the whole rooms o sum light adjusting ect has to be done i i think wats the room needed for upto 20 plants like?

and ive ALWAYS sed my speling suks and my grammers worse haha gives u summet to do reading my shits like trying to workout the countdown cannundram

mash potato and lasagne coming up awww yeh get wsum salad creamon that bich

Evening guys and Dura. Just went on a run with my brother. Its £1400 per kilo of solid up here at the moment. Proper dry up. Fucking cannabis
would u not travel for it no?


Well-Known Member
If i could get 40 KILOS of soapbar at 900 per k, I would drive anywhere

lol not talking soap tho haha fuk me i aint had any soap that isentr forumula in yrs how much is a bar nowadays last itme i bought a 9 it was about 200 sqwid i remember 5-600 per bar but it was decent