The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ohhh ah jist rememberd ah customer dropped offa shit load of tramadol!!! and heres me sittin with a trapped nerve and sciatica.


Well-Known Member
Thought i was on the wrong thread for a minute then sambo telling billy off for being offensive WTF lol


Active Member
Ha Ha I actually did it, the mrs doesnt find it funny :([/QUOTE

women..just no sense of humour.

dear god!! you dont show her ALL the jokes i post do you???
No she is just one tired arse with no sense of humor for tonight it seems. I have been away from the boards for over a year, and just decided to get growing again because the straight and narrow doesn't work so she wont have seen many of your posts


Well-Known Member
thats probably a very very good thing, all things considered....i use this place to put up stuff i wont use on facebook...and trust me my fuckin facebook page is far from subtle.


Well-Known Member
Thought i was on the wrong thread for a minute then sambo telling billy off for being offensive WTF lol
mdb loves his missus bigtime and good for him i didnt like people taking the piss, when i wind up when do i get on people missus but its sorted anyway end off


Well-Known Member
Sambos a prick and takes the piss outta any fucker lmfao but he does av a soft side and i think we just touched onit abit lmfao so the new battys are sambs and mdb shit wtf this place gets as bad as sum of the yanks at times hahaha


Well-Known Member
Sambos a prick and takes the piss outta any fucker lmfao but he does av a soft side and i think we just touched onit abit lmfao so the new battys are sambs and mdb shit wtf this place gets as bad as sum of the yanks at times hahaha

loves u too chedz lolol hows ya day been mate?


Well-Known Member
why ya fuck around with these strains when u got the exo,livers,pyschosis
Not done any beans since fuckin around as a tenager pal tbh i should nt of threw em but those strain take priority over the beans lad hence why i threw em haha in all fairness i just saw em in the corner and thought why av i still got the 4 of em wen i only wanted to keep the 1 anyway haha and obviously the more room i got for the other strains the better the lemon and psycho i vegged for over 5weeks am takin up more than a quarter of my room and i can see me gettin over 6oz or more outta em if i manage my space a little better ive got plants in all stages of flower atm and its gettin rather confusingas i did nt tag any of the fucker with date or strain haha i can tell the strain pish but were im at with em is a diffrent story mate lol!!


Well-Known Member
Am good chedz matey, gettin a bit a peace on the laptop. Its the mrs bday this wk so her mum, wee sis n wee bro are in AAAAAAAARRRGGGGHH!!!! lmao