The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Within reason , however since theers such limited supply of top quality , its the grower who dictates price (within reason).

In a legal market , customers dictate price unless its a monopoly.

In this illegal one customers can say we wont pay X well growers will most likely stop selling it then, or you will get a shitter product to reflect price(quick dry's and no cure etc) , as its not worth the hastle/risk , this by defauult will lower supply to even lower levels since production has slipped pushing the price even higher , supply and demand my friend. Demand is 5x if not moe higher than supply, thats me takign chinky etc into account if you go on just primo , there is NEVER anywhere near enough .

By all means if use guys can score endless supply's( i mean bars/ keys) of primo dope for pennys more power to ya , however this is not the normal , well not in my city anyway , primo to me dosnt just mean no seeds.

Its rarer than hens teeth, so the price shall reflect this.

End of the day the grower has to cover rent / equipment / risk costs/ council tax / leccy etc etc , and I dont think £150 an oz for top quality properly grown dried/ cured product off a grower(most get stuff of dealers so will obv cost more because fo middle men fee's added on) is to unreasonable. If you do all i can say is grow your own. Not talkign abotu your mate with a wee tent in his room here , talkign abotu big setups . Soem guy or your mate with a tent coudl give it away for free and not even bother , as hes just looking for his own supply, anything else would be gravy.

Someone who has invested alot of money into property etc cant afford to do this as theres soem costs and alot of risk involved, takes alot of bud to supply citys, and it takes time to produce that bud.


Well-Known Member
Within reason , however since theers such limited supply of top quality , its the grower who dictates price.

In a legal market , customers dictate price unless its a monopoly.

In this illegal one customers can say we wont pay X well growers will most likely stop selling it then, or you will get a shitter product to reflect price , as its not worth the hastle/risk , this by defauult will lower supply to even lower levels since production has slipped pushing the price even higher , supply and demand my friend. Demand is 5x if not moe higher than supply, thats me takign chinky etc into account if you go on just primo , there is NEVER anywhere near enough .

Supply has increased along with the prices how many peeps do you know grow for profit only, around here there are 2 prices commercial and grade if you want to get shot of quick then your grade has to be better than the rest so the quality has slowly increased with the price


Active Member
Theres been an explosion of growers alight , however the quality is the worst ive ever seen it tbh.

Back to that thing, takes more than just no seeds and a wee smell to be called primo in my books.

Problem being not everyone see's it like that, loads of people running about with "primo" which is "alright" at best, chargeing primo prices , thats one of the biggest problems imo.


Well-Known Member
Theres been an explosion of growers alight , however the quality is the worst ive ever seen it tbh.

Back to that thing, takes more than just no seeds and a wee smell to be called primo in my books.

Problem being not everyone see's it like that, loads of people running about with "primo" which is "alright" at best, chargeing primo prices , thats one of the biggest problems imo.

I totally agree and that's what's happening around here if it's better than slant weed it go's for top money even damp shite and that's why i would never feel guilty about getting top $ for my surplus


Active Member
In order for you to get primo for £80 an oz you would have to be best firends with the grower , most likely a small grow from a wee tent , so hes just sorting you out with a wee smoek as mates should(no way reflects normal street price).

However bulk wholesale prices at £80 etc an oz for primo? Would love to see the size of that setup as he muust be cropping killos every month just to stay open... almost doign it just for the giggle of it , it would seam.


Well-Known Member
Being honest i don't see many growers letting it go for £80 even with close friends i do favours for friends even though i get fuck all favours back but there may come a time where roles are reversed then i'll be knocking their door and reminding them, remember when i sorted you that...........


Active Member
Indeed , always the cunt who goes on about "cmon man mates rates etc", then time comes you phone him for a favour hes always busy .

Aye busy sitting on his arse smokeing the gd dope you helped him acquire lol :P

brewing up

Well-Known Member
nah just £70 for the ozs n its not crap, im not in2 giving blow jobs for them, ill leave that to u lot ''The jealous haters that pay too much''

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha i was hoping u wood bite.
well depends really i woodnt like u to bite wen u was on the job hahaha get the fear wen i feel bit tooth on the old boy hahaha

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • haha i was hoping u wood bite.
    well depends really i woodnt like u to bite wen u was on the job hahaha get the fear wen i feel bit tooth on the old boy hahaha​

slap the bitch n say 'hey watch the teeth whore'