The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye the lad said it's not for everyone like. offered to needle me ears but i'm not too arsed. imagine he done it and i didn't like boozing anymore. :shock:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i know a drugs counsellor ( not in the professional capacity i might add) who reckoned that acupuncture in the ear has a really high success rate for all types of addiction. once you have the treatment if you get the craving you touch a spot on the ear where they stuck a needle in and the craving goes. said it doesn't work on everyone but about 65-75 %
I'm a big fanny mate when it comes to needles lol would probably burst into tears and leg it if someone tried sticking needles in me face, I couldn't imagine anything further from relaxation lol good on the peeps that aren't raging sissys lol


Well-Known Member
I'm good cheers mate, how have you been keeping?

I got his book somewhere mate I used it the last time I quit and made it 3months without a fag and then blew it when Ilost the plot in work, blew like a volcano and it was a case of have a smoke or lose me job I accidently put my hands on one of the punters who was pushing their luck and then a week later threw another off his feet and sent him several feet across the gaming floor and he landed face first, lol was given a choice sort out the anger or get my arse sacked, was the perfect excuse to get back on the green and fags, I'll dig it out later and start reading it in bed whilst I can't sleep, I found it helped with the weed aswell I don't know why I was thinking it was something to do with the way he refers to it as a weed.
im good thanks mate. im having a go at giving up myself. i got a pack of the nicotine chewing gums while i listen to the book. my chest is fucked from smoking so i want to give it up and get a vape so i can still enjoy the green lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
im good thanks mate. im having a go at giving up myself. i got a pack of the nicotine chewing gums while i listen to the book. my chest is fucked from smoking so i want to give it up and get a vape so i can still enjoy the green lol
Glad to hear it mate, I can't have any of the quitting products as they still have nicotine in them well I suppose I could have but wanted to smoke up until the last lol
I won't be quitting for long as soon as we have a positive preggers sign I'll be on it like it's my last night on earth lol, gonna put up a few grams out this next grow and hopefully I'll get to smoke some cured stuff as it generally never lasts long enough to survive a proper cure, I do want to stay off the fags though and don't plan on starting back on them, A vape has been at the back of my mind for a couple of years now just need a good excuse to go out and buy one sadly it's all months away at the mo but something other than the usual to look forward to, Are you still smoking the green now whilst giving up the fags mate?


Well-Known Member
fuck me what a morning ! ok lads, good news ! i haven't got the big C !, ive got NAFLD, or non alchaholic fatty liver disease ! . the reason for the high white cell count is i have a shed load of kidney stones and one is partialy blocking my ureta ! .so , there not gonna do fek all about the liver, i have to go on a non fat diet, and go back in 12 months, but i have to have lithotripsy treatment (again)for the stones! nearly fekin killed me last time !, So i just want to say thanks for all youre support, and a little something will come you're way in 6 -7 weeks time just to say thanks.
Buzzing baz well chuffed for ya mate....hope ya back oright in no time lad!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it mate, I can't have any of the quitting products as they still have nicotine in them well I suppose I could have but wanted to smoke up until the last lol
I won't be quitting for long as soon as we have a positive preggers sign I'll be on it like it's my last night on earth lol, gonna put up a few grams out this next grow and hopefully I'll get to smoke some cured stuff as it generally never lasts long enough to survive a proper cure, I do want to stay off the fags though and don't plan on starting back on them, A vape has been at the back of my mind for a couple of years now just need a good excuse to go out and buy one sadly it's all months away at the mo but something other than the usual to look forward to, Are you still smoking the green now whilst giving up the fags mate?
no mate. i run out of my own stuff a few weeks ago, i paid for some cheese on new years eve. that was a good smoke but £20 worth didnt last long lol. i find with green i smoke shit loads if i got it but when its gone aslong as i got bacco i dont miss it too much. i was working out the price on the vape and id easily pay more on bacco in a month that id pay on the vape so its a win win situation for me :-D


Well-Known Member
u load of pussys! acupuncture rocks,, fucking ace, i used to have it in my lower spine, wen she was tapping em i could feel like what only be bestly described as little pops of the pain dissapearing, fucking mint,
the ear one for drug withdrawel,well,, yes ther are studies that prooves it works BUT nobody will stop taking drugs untill consiosly and subconsiously ther ready to stop, most of these trials are done either in jail or in drug treatment centres wer if the person dident want to get clean from drugs they wouldnt have refeered themselfes, yet sum fail obviosuly but sum do indeed not fail and get clean,, so in every test ther gunna be people who completely get clean and those who dont

the question is how many actually stay clean,
sorry if that was long and drwn out but its hard descibing shit! hahaa fucking soaked sum1 cudda sed the weathers shite! fuking already a drip now im a watevers wrse than a drip,, ahhm gunna get sum plastering done i thnk


Well-Known Member
Gotta head to work now, hope the guy lets us away early again. He let us go at 3 in the morning instead of 6 so wasn't all bad, home for half 4. Keep this place busy and gimme plenty to read when I get back