The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fucking nackered doc, been doing a slabbing job all week. Its the first real work ive done in ages! Makes me realise how unfit I really am these days lol


Well-Known Member
Can pull up all the science ya want yman I have taken 300mg in 1 more than once and have not had no regrettable blah blah I have had mega sessions on md tho and then 3-4days later got very depressed, but that's a lot more than 300mg not at once but over the night and I was not a wreck for days after but 3-4 day later like I say got very depressed

I've taken 1000s of pills n not so much pure but enough.

Same as benzos I can take dosage that a doc will tell u is fatal

Now its fuck all to be proud off and drug abuse hasn't got me very far in life but my point is drugs effect different people in different ways, what 1 man can handle another can not.


Well-Known Member
Can pull up all the science ya want yman I have taken 300mg more than once and have not had no regrettable blah blah I have had mega sessions on md tho and then 3-4days later got very depressed, but that's a lot more than 300mg and I was not a wreck for days after but 3-4 day later like I say got very depressed

I've taken 1000s of pills n not so much pure but enough.

Same as benzos I can take dosage that a doc will tell u is fatal

Now its fuck all to be proud off and drug abuse hasn't got me very far in life but my point is drugs effect different people in different ways, what 1 man can handle another can not.
I agree with that, everyone's got a different tolerance to them, I was never one for nailing loads of them, a few always done me but I've seen m8s eat them like smarties. One younger fella that run with us ate 18 on his 18th birthday, yes he was a mess but he enjoyed it. On the other hand 18 to someone else could be fatal. Just gotta know ur limits, that's the problem with the m8, he doesn't, that's why he's gotta leave 2 out and ill hide the rest

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@DST aye your right about that film being a musical mate, I can't really say if it's any good or not as I hate all musicals, I did hate this one a little more than most though but that's just due to it being two and a half hours long lol the misses likes musicals and thought it was ok, when I said to her ok? she yeah it was ok lol she did say though that she wouldn't be in any hurry to watch it again as it didn't compare to the likes of annie, oliver twist etc lol, as you can probably tell mate not the best people to ask I wanted to turn it off within the first couple of minutes, was the longest couple of hours of my life there was barely a spoken word literally nearly every word was sung.
The only good points about it was that it was very well made regarding the scenery and backdrops etc but sadly that wasn't enough for me especially considering I was expecting something along the lines of master and commander lol


Well-Known Member
@DST aye your right about that film being a musical mate, I can't really say if it's any good or not as I hate all musicals, I did hate this one a little more than most though but that's just due to it being two and a half hours long lol the misses likes musicals and thought it was ok, when I said to her ok? she yeah it was ok lol she did say though that she wouldn't be in any hurry to watch it again as it didn't compare to the likes of annie, oliver twist etc lol, as you can probably tell mate not the best people to ask I wanted to turn it off within the first couple of minutes, was the longest couple of hours of my life there was barely a spoken word literally nearly every word was sung.
The only good points about it was that it was very well made regarding the scenery and backdrops etc but sadly that wasn't enough for me especially considering I was expecting something along the lines of master and commander lol
i laughed like fuck when i saw your other post saying you might like it because it was a war film. :-D sorry mate

do any of you know if you can still set up an account on SR? all this talk of good pills got me busting for some


Well-Known Member
Yes u can mrt, very easy to set up a buyer account.
cheers mate. how does getting the coins work with the vendors? you send them cash or pay with paypal or something is it?
my debt relief order thing should be up in the next few weeks so i can sort out my own bank account again :-D the misses wont let me do it with hers the bitch lol


Well-Known Member
i just downloaded the tor browser but when i search for silk road i get a lot of shit come up. whats the address for it?

dont matter i found it lol


Well-Known Member
That is high mrt I looked the other day and they where 9quid each, could have gone up and be 13 now? But seems high to me.
i thought that was a bit high. i found 10 for £109. paypal takes a percentage from ebay sellers tho so that could be the reason. ill mail one of the vendors on SR to see how much they charge. ill try and get some of my mates to chip in and see if one of them can use thier address to have it sent to


Well-Known Member
Just go to a site called ur see the current bitcoin price there but wouldn't buy from them cause they are very anti silk road.