The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah, ive seen a few too that dont bother, dont know why coz if we all use it it means we get a better knowledge base of uk growing equipment as opposed to hearing the famous usa phrase 'just go to walmart'. i need to know if i can get it at fuckin b and q!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, ive seen a few too that dont bother, dont know why coz if we all use it it means we get a better knowledge base of uk growing equipment as opposed to hearing the famous usa phrase 'just go to walmart'. i need to know if i can get it at fuckin b and q!!
lol amen to that!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
anyone know how close you can get to 12/12 without putting the plants into flower were currently getting around 14 and a 1/2 hours of light a day and that increases by roughly 3 minits a day meaning on the 2nd may we will be getting 15 hours and by the 11th of may we will get 15 an a 1/2 hours
im trying to decide when to put the few slower growing plants iv got outdoors but there way too small too flower so i want to make sure there getting enough light to keep them veging but am unsure if 15/9 is enough light

also another thing i was wondering is i keep hearing people say they had there plants 2 weeks as seedlings 4 weeks in veg an then flowerd
i have all seedlings under 70w as soon as they pop up from the soil and after 2 days they go under 400w for say 4 weeks an then there flowerd does that mean i have 2 days seedling 4 weeks veg n then flower or are they classd as seedlings for the first 2 weeks no matter wot light there under ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i class mine as veg once they start growing. if seeds, the moment they have their first leaves, as clones, when the roots are go. i normally veg for a month, no more. mine tend to stay aorund 2-3ft tall. any more and my light would not be sufficient, even if it isn't as it is now :lol:

i am so utterly fucked but fine, no wonder americans have shit lives, who the fuck enjoys budweiser, i'm on my 6th pint and around 8th joint, and it's 3:30am, i'm pretty much fine. 4 pintsd of stella and 3 oints will ave me rolling across the floor to bed. even if it's same %, bloody piss water!


Well-Known Member
i find it takes around 2 weeks from seedling before my plants really start into a 'true veg cycle' at this point they're under a 2 x 55 watt fluro hood, after that i move them under 400 mh or 600 hps, at this time i feel they're strong enough for the more powerful, and hotter, light. then into flowering under 1000 hps( if i can keep the fucking heat down......which i fuckin cant this time coz its too fuckin warm outside, i want the fuckin snow back)


Well-Known Member
yeah tip top, know what you mean mate fuckin buds just fizzy piss water, i used to like that chekoslovakian budvarr, they claim it was the original budweiser and the yank company ripped it off, it had a nice hoppy taste and a good kick behind although being a scot i still like my cans of tennents lager although the stuff we get up here is totally different from the stuff they market in england, dont know why though, its not as strong or as mellow as stella but its a great draught pint.


Well-Known Member
i was reading a thread earlier that was saying its a helluva lot better and more accurate to use an ec/ppm meter to check ur nute/water mix even in soil grows, never really thought about it myself coz ive never had any nute problems but coz i'm starting a little hydro job soon i was gonna invest in one of them anyway, seen them for around £30 on e bay( i do use ebay but NEVER with my own details and it always goes to a safe address. do u NEED a meter for hydro or is it just a precaution? any hydro advice welcome, its gonna be a single plant bucket dwc just to give me a little learning project
Hay dura, I have an NFT system and stopped using my ph meter after always getting fair ph levels from our lovely scottish water. I never check it now and haven't had any problems with ph so far. I may just be lucky but all that testing and adjusting all the times seems like to much effort to me. just put the water in and fire in the correct amount of nutrients and hope for the best and it seems to be going well so far. Check out the link at the bottom of my post for my journal, I just updated after nearly killing my plant because of lack of water but she seems to be doing fine now.


Well-Known Member
yeah, we are lucky with our water up here, my own tap water is almost dead on 6.0 and ive never had any ph problems.if ive got a bit of spare cash i mite buy an ec meter but its not a priority, i was gonna go with a dwc bubbler but i know guys like tip top don't bother with the water pump, ive sourced an older water pump and i'll give it a go but again this is just a little single plant experiment to have a look at the grow rates/pattern and to get an idea of the feeding schedules.


Well-Known Member
yeah, we are lucky with our water up here, my own tap water is almost dead on 6.0 and ive never had any ph problems.if ive got a bit of spare cash i mite buy an ec meter but its not a priority, i was gonna go with a dwc bubbler but i know guys like tip top don't bother with the water pump, ive sourced an older water pump and i'll give it a go but again this is just a little single plant experiment to have a look at the grow rates/pattern and to get an idea of the feeding schedules.
Your feeding schedules are really going to depend on the amount of water your bucket holds, my NFT holds 15 litres and I do a full nutrient change once a week at the moment and top it up with water as the week goes by and the nutrient level drops so as to not make the nutrient solution too strong before the full change. Seems to be working ok but i'm sure if I spent more time on it I may get better results but I do have space restrictions so its big enough as it is.

My submersible pump died this week when I accidentally let the nutrient tank dry out and I don't have a penny until the 30th to buy a new one but it doesn't seem to be effecting the plant much as the roots are massive and fill the bottom of the nutrient tank so it's not like they aren't getting enough water. I'm going to be keeping a close eye on it this week though

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys
sambo all good here mate just been really busy working and trying to get the indoor and outdoor sorted jusy finished getting the outdoor ready time to start putting the indoor together now this wk,
i'm goona trial the coco against soil just to see the difference between the 2 with the different nutes i was gonna go hempy to cram them in but now i'm thinking 6l airpots will do almost the same job if i add a little extra veg time
the guy in my hydro shop thinks it'll improve my yeilds if i pay the same amount of care as the last run and it worked out about a 20 cheaper than bio bizz soil and all the nutes so i don't think it's just them trying to make a quick buck but i'm gonna run them both side by side in the same pots to see the difference
oh yeah i got my final weigh in wrong it was 14 1/2 oz i found a jar with just over 2 in in the tin cupboard must have forgot about it coz it wasn't with the others lol
how's it going your end mate?


Well-Known Member
14 n 1/2 my origanally guess was 15 b4 the early chop!

im pretty shore from what ive read that your increase ya yields with the coco, soil is old school but very 4giving n imo pretty easy, my prob with the coco is if i gotta buy a ph/ec reader and keep on top of them then why bother with coco n not just grow hydro.


Well-Known Member
how is the weed tasteing now then dragon now its cured for a lil bit is the blueberry coming threw? ive only smoked blue cheese once n the person who grew fuck it up.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
14 n 1/2 my origanally guess was 15 b4 the early chop!

im pretty shore from what ive read that your increase ya yields with the coco, soil is old school but very 4giving n imo pretty easy, my prob with the coco is if i gotta buy a ph/ec reader and keep on top of them then why bother with coco n not just grow hydro.
it was wasn't it mate i forgot about the original 15oz prediction lol
i see what your saying mate i already got the ph and ec pens so might aswell get some use out of them, i don't think theres gonna be much of a difference to tell you the truth i'm gonna treat the coco the same as soil and just keep an eye on the ph fuck the ec i was told i should be checking it in soil aswell but don't see the point hopefully it should be just as easy if not i'll be straight back in soil mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
how is the weed tasteing now then dragon now its cured for a lil bit is the blueberry coming threw? ive only smoked blue cheese once n the person who grew fuck it up.
i'm not a big fan of the taste mate but every1 loves it a couple of people said they think it's fruity but not me the taste has improved a bit though i think it's just my personal taste mate i was offered my own stuff yesterday .8 for a tenner lol


Well-Known Member
i'm not a big fan of the taste mate but every1 loves it a couple of people said they think it's fruity but not me the taste has improved a bit though i think it's just my personal taste mate i was offered my own stuff yesterday .8 for a tenner lol
lmao im ashamed to admit that ive been desperate enough b4 and actually brought a gram for a tenner of my own weed. not good.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i've never pulled anything out of my cab that remotely compares to what i can buy from my dealer. not quite sure what i'm missing, but yeah, nothing but smokable wank. might as well just have a ciggie