The UK Growers Thread!

How do folks. Lost my crop virginity last night and chopped my plants. Thing is one plant looked about a week ahead yet the hairs on the others are still about 20 to 50 percent white but the trichs on all of them are about 80/20 or 90/10 cloudy to clear. The calyx's have swelled but are not as mature as they could be.

I don't want a crippling stone so I was always going to pull early anyway but I am literally shitting my pants about it being viable smoke (my balls are firmly on the line here). They were just about to complete week ten and it's meant to be a 9 week strain on the gh website but it looks like people who are doing this strain (ladyburn 1974) go for about 12 :/

Also it doesn't smell to weedy yet when you sniff it. Will it develop some body as it drys?

What do we think?
just thouhht that the 250 mn best for cuttings?

i hear people say 250 are awsome for cuts, mh even better,
my man just arrived with 2 propper cali mist clones, walked up my path with 2 in a big plaggy tub! wtf the mong,lol

got me beans in root riots a mile away from my light, all go tails the mango very small but its ther, the physco are recoving nicely, the cherry are going in mormal pots the greedy cunts! twice a day feeding i dont think so the fucking things.
i hear people say 250 are awsome for cuts, mh even better,
my man just arrived with 2 propper cali mist clones, walked up my path with 2 in a big plaggy tub! wtf the mong,lol

got me beans in root riots a mile away from my light, all go tails the mango very small but its ther, the physco are recoving nicely, the cherry are going in mormal pots the greedy cunts! twice a day feeding i dont think so the fucking things.

before i started growing myself i had to get some cuttings off one mate for another. the dull fucker just caried them into my house on a tray in little pots. it was the middle of summer too so every fucker was out in their gardens

django was awesome and sons is probably the best show on tv at the mo. ive nearly done season 5. i would have watched tham all by now if i didnt have to wait cos the mrs wants to watch them too.

ive scrapped the pean netting in my tent. the plants are way too bushy to fit through so ive put some bamboo cane things in and ill use some string to train them into an even canopy
my order has now been dispatched i have my own house with cool neihbours,when my plants flower do i really need a carbon filter,i mean does a good plant smell that much you could smell it like 3 doors down?,i have a large front and back garden and the grow is in the cupboard under the stairs,which is in the centre of my house,i have never used one b4 and have done two previous grows but the 1st was only 1 plant the 2nd was two,this time im doing 6 in 5 gallon pots,any advice would be appreciated,peace.
Without trying to sound like a pestering child can some fucker put my addled mind to rest about my dodgy cropping skills please lol
my order has now been dispatched i have my own house with cool neihbours,when my plants flower do i really need a carbon filter,i mean does a good plant smell that much you could smell it like 3 doors down?,i have a large front and back garden and the grow is in the cupboard under the stairs,which is in the centre of my house,i have never used one b4 and have done two previous grows but the 1st was only 1 plant the 2nd was two,this time im doing 6 in 5 gallon pots,any advice would be appreciated,peace.

get a decent carbon filter, 6 decent plants in full bloom, your house is gunna stink, and then anyone who knocks on the door is liable to smell it, just hope local bobbies aint doing no door surveys lol...
Without trying to sound like a pestering child can some fucker put my addled mind to rest about my dodgy cropping skills please lol

chill, smell goes all weird and hay like, just leave them be untill they are totally dry, and the smell will return...This can take 7-10 days, depending where you got them hanging (humidity etc)
Cheers mate. Whats your slant on trichomes. I think the appearance of readiness must vary from strain t strain but it's so fucking hard to tell even under my 20 x loupe. Should of got a 60 x or something. Worst case scenario and i have judged it wrong and they are mainly clear will it shag the smoke?
get a decent carbon filter, 6 decent plants in full bloom, your house is gunna stink, and then anyone who knocks on the door is liable to smell it, just hope local bobbies aint doing no door surveys lol...
i'll buy one then m8,hope they aint too hard to set up,id just thought id finnished my grow room to lol,got diamond ref mylar on the walls,600w parabolic ref,1large fan and a little one,got my bags of cana coco,5 gallon pots and now just need the seeds to come,i'll start the grow without the filter and put it in when it comes,as weed plant dont smell in veg anyway(not too much anyway,thanks for your reply.
my order has now been dispatched i have my own house with cool neihbours,when my plants flower do i really need a carbon filter,i mean does a good plant smell that much you could smell it like 3 doors down?,i have a large front and back garden and the grow is in the cupboard under the stairs,which is in the centre of my house,i have never used one b4 and have done two previous grows but the 1st was only 1 plant the 2nd was two,this time im doing 6 in 5 gallon pots,any advice would be appreciated,peace.

6 large plants will probably smell in the neighbours houses aswell mate theres a good chance outside your house will stink aswell, on my first grow I had 5 big buddas blue cheese and trimming them downstairs with the filter upstairs, the smell went through the walls to the neighbours houses and apparantly could be smelled down the road floating from our house, It was that bad that the neighbours had been on the blower to my landlords and they phoned me asking about it! that was 160z of blue cheese and I then had to grab my dog and throw all the weed into a carry all and carry it about a mile and a half to my parents house to dry it in their attic out of the way, it stunk the whole way and I got some funny looks along the way! all because I didn't sit infront of my filter and trim. Was the beginning of months of headaches and fallings out with my neighbours and obviously every fucker in the street then knew what I was up to, honestly mate get a filter and save yourself the grief of people knowing your buisness, was the worst mistake I've made to date and I was lucky to get away with it! if I were some unknown or someone the neighbours didn't worry about I have no doubt they would have phoned the old bill and I would have been caught.
Cheers mate. Whats your slant on trichomes. I think the appearance of readiness must vary from strain t strain but it's so fucking hard to tell even under my 20 x loupe. Should of got a 60 x or something. Worst case scenario and i have judged it wrong and they are mainly clear will it shag the smoke?

mainly clear is early tbh, you want mostly cloudy with some amber, they start clear, go cloudy then turn amber. all clear = too early, all amber = too late, in the middle is perfect.
i'll buy one then m8,hope they aint too hard to set up,id just thought id finnished my grow room to lol,got diamond ref mylar on the walls,600w parabolic ref,1large fan and a little one,got my bags of cana coco,5 gallon pots and now just need the seeds to come,i'll start the grow without the filter and put it in when it comes,as weed plant dont smell in veg anyway(not too much anyway,thanks for your reply.

another good investment is ONA blocker gel, most hydro shops sell it, about 15 quid, just throw it in the room and hall just to be safe...
OH AND DONT HAVE THE FAN BLOWING ON YOUR WEED while its drying, just point it away from them trust me,

yeh mrt same thing on a potting tray just walks up me path wtf. lol morons eh?

fucking ona gel spend 20 qwid on a yankee candle they work gr8
Ona's are fucking ace, my filters are old got 3 2 6" and 1 4" but like say they are old, got some weed drying n filters aint doing it got 2 ona blocks, tenner each put em by the front door, its a small block of 6 flats, u can smell the ona b4 u even get to the stairs lol

Only prob is they don't last and can get expensive.
thanks for your responce,ive been looking at fan filter kits but what size would i need?,i want to do 6 plants in 5gallon and veg for around 6 weeks,so six pretty big plant(hopefully)i saw on ebay the whole kit for £50 but that seems way to cheap to me.
thanks for your responce,ive been looking at fan filter kits but what size would i need?,i want to do 6 plants in 5gallon and veg for around 6 weeks,so six pretty big plant(hopefully)i saw on ebay the whole kit for £50 but that seems way to cheap to me.

If u have the money get a good filter a rhino or can or mountin sumfing? Don't waste ya money on them cheap 1s
OH AND DONT HAVE THE FAN BLOWING ON YOUR WEED while its drying, just point it away from them trust me,

yeh mrt same thing on a potting tray just walks up me path wtf. lol morons eh?

fucking ona gel spend 20 qwid on a yankee candle they work gr8

Yes mate. I have them under the crop on the floor pointing at the opposite wall to bounce the airflow around my space. This loupe thing is living in my right eye! Is it, isn't it!! Its driving me fucking mad!! Oh well too late now I suppose. Just hope for the best and its a lesson learned for the next one.
Without trying to sound like a pestering child can some fucker put my addled mind to rest about my dodgy cropping skills please lol

it all depends on strain imo. if its not upto what your looking for give it a couple of weeks cure. you can add bat guarno to improve the taste and smell. i think it was 3eyes that uses it and says it works