The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ive had leafs doing that although it sorted itself out, its possibly a reaction to shock although i do know that plants will curl or turn away from light if its too close in a bid to save themselves from getting burned. i dont know anything about growing in coco though mate.


Well-Known Member
There's a white guy, a black guy and an Arab walking along the beach and they see this lamp lying on the floor, they rub it, and a genie pops out.

Genie says,"You each get one wish, choose wisely."
The Arab speaks up "I want, all my people to be happy, wealthy and free and back in our home land."

And so, genie - Poof!! All the Arabs are in back in Asia.

The black guy speaks: "I want all my African-brothers to be happy, wealthy and free and back in our home land"

So, genie goes poof! And all the blacks are back in Africa.

The genie turns to the white guy and asks "What's your one wish?"

The white guy goes, "You mean to tell me all the niggers and pakis are out of Britain?"

Genie goes, "Yeah."

White guy replies "Well, I'll have a Coke, then."

mr west

Well-Known Member
Why dont ppl put there just harvested plants out in the wild to reveg and go again? urll already have a good root ball and itll be hardy as u want

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fucking great idea there westy i might just have a bash at that this weekend

also @ultimate buds id recommend flushing the slabs of coco before you put your babies into the stuff even after youve broken up the slab, a lot of companies say they flush the salts out before they package them but some dont and some that say they do dont do it as well as they should. this could quite easily cause allsorts of probs.

actually next time jut buy the loose coco its a lot less fuck on than having masses of coconut fibre in the bath


Well-Known Member
that is quite a good idea...will be a challange getting these 4/5 footers out...would be something out of "Weekend at Bernies"


Well-Known Member
A woman got her period unexpectedly on whilst on the tube. She jumped off at the next stop and ran to the nearest chemist and got in the queue, desperately keeping her legs together to prevent any leakage.

Behind her in the queue was a pervy chap who kept eyeing her up. So when it was her turn, she whispered to the guy behind the counter.

Woman: A box of tampons please

Chemist: Sorry love, say that again.

Woman: I'd like a box of tampons please.

Chemist: Sorry my dear, why are you whispering, I can't hear you.

Woman: I need a box of tampons quickly, hurry up.

Chemist: One more time please, I really can't hear a word you're saying.

Woman: (shouting now) For God's sake. I just need a box of bloody tampons!

Chemist: Oh I'm sorry my love, we don't sell second-hand goods here.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys need a bit of advice
here goes i was gonna grow in the attic but i went up there earlier and the heat building up means i'll have to insulate every inch plus sheet it all off etc etc works about a grands worth with my grow box thrown in, well it's safe to say i haven't got a spare grand now after getting a new car and paying off our debts so i was thinking a new tent and just throw it in the spare room again here comes the probs the neighbours hate me after kicking off last time we had a surprise inspection yesterday not exactly a surprise we had 1 days notice ( blatantly trying to catch me out) so what to do if i go with the attic i'll only get 1 crop if i'm lucky coz i want to move and it'll be 1 very expensive crop or say fuck it and run the risk and go for it again in the spare room this will be very risky after all the agro that's been going on the last couple of weeks, other things to consider the attic will take about a month or so to sort out and will leave me skint, the spare room with a new tent can be ready to go in a week with the tent be delivered and we'll be ok for money, the police don't really come into it coz i'm not bothered about them in the slightest after all what can they do apart from taking my shit. so what ya reckon guys i really want to get up and running asap and all i got going now is my seeds germing for the outdoor at another place, cheers lads