The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that dst my first ever grow I used gold label special mix which I did have thripes . I can't see any sign of them this time around . 1 thing is for sure this special mix is perfect for starting seeds or clones in which makes me think it can't be that hot other wise I would of run into some serious problems in the beginning not even a tip burn atoll present .


Well-Known Member
It's definitely a light one. They flog it here for like 7 euro, then they have one that has added nutrients (the black bag) for around 10-11 euro I think. I have seen on some of the Dutch forums people slating it. But hey, that happens with everything so each to their own.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the info m8 well I find it better than coco to start plants off with that's for sure . The end product is what it's all about so ill have to wait and see . What you got brewing under those lights anything nice .


Well-Known Member
Just comes in a gold bag with special mix written on the side might give bio buzz a go what's the worse that can happen lol
Lol if its basically coco like D says I don't think using bio-bizz nutes would be good? Maybe the topmax but the grow is a really thick nute carnt use it with hydro so coco prob a no no aswel.

Would do some research rolla before using bio-bizz in coco.


Well-Known Member

mornin growers, a bit brutality to wake you up?....................

[video=youtube;IQoBzxDOvuc][/video] rulez! ( smokey - and you know this maaan :) ) Delvite​


Well-Known Member
I've brought it before but don't think I used it for some reason?

Batmix its a really nice soil that's got batshit already in? 1 of the most expensive soils I've seen, might use that with bio-bizz nutes when I get the tent back up.

Have moaned so many times in this thread bout the council interupting my grows with repairs, now I carnt get the cunts out to get what I need fixed before I set a tent up, wankers.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha morning all,

loving the star fade outs delivte man. thought i was watching top of the pops for sec :lol:

thank fuck it's friday. 10 day stint for me this week. ready for a swally


Well-Known Member
I've brought it before but don't think I used it for some reason?

Batmix its a really nice soil that's got batshit already in? 1 of the most expensive soils I've seen, might use that with bio-bizz nutes when I get the tent back up.

Have moaned so many times in this thread bout the council interupting my grows with repairs, now I carnt get the cunts out to get what I need fixed before I set a tent up, wankers.

​have you not got your self a house of ya own yet ? why not its better than putting up with that shiz


Well-Known Member
hahaha morning all,

loving the star fade outs delivte man. thought i was watching top of the pops for sec :lol:

thank fuck it's friday. 10 day stint for me this week. ready for a swally
haha decided to keep with the theme m8 i may try some more wipes in future, i think the intro is mint lol :)


Well-Known Member
i can see that ball of light hmmm whats its name again.............................oh yes the sun :)

yes and you can look right at it...its dull here 4sure, the sun has not got its hat on 4sure ;-)

hows you delvite, nice pics and vids ;-)


Well-Known Member

yes and you can look right at it...its dull here 4sure, the sun has not got its hat on 4sure ;-)

hows you delvite, nice pics and vids ;-)

alls goin gr8 hin growin n smokin / smokin n growin :) hows madchester nowadays? i can also see blue sky :)


Well-Known Member
the sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hurray. the sun has got his hat on..................................oh fk its gone again hehe :)


Well-Known Member
I've brought it before but don't think I used it for some reason?

Batmix its a really nice soil that's got batshit already in? 1 of the most expensive soils I've seen, might use that with bio-bizz nutes when I get the tent back up.

Have moaned so many times in this thread bout the council interupting my grows with repairs, now I carnt get the cunts out to get what I need fixed before I set a tent up, wankers.
my mate had some of that bat shit soil. he thought it didnt need feeding. the leaves turned yellow and even tho i told him he still had to get some proper nutes in he didnt listen. he said all it needed was rain water that he was collecting out side. he moans that his home grown dont last long enough but when i tell him to up the power of the light from a 10 year old 250w to a 600w he said electric would be too much, paying £10 a g is ok tho while he waits 6 months for his next crop lol.

i got the council here all the fucking time too mate. i was going to set my tent up in my back room wednesday but i didnt have any rockwool cubes to start my seeds in so being a lazy cunt i left it. a bloke came yesterday wanting to go in that room to look at the chimney because im having a new roof. fuck knows why he had to look in there tho. the fuckers have covered my vent that i had my silencer going out through too the cunts. every day i had to move it away and tape the vent cover in place so they wouldnt see in, then when i put it back last week i noticed the air was coming back in the room. ive got to run my de-humidifier in there now till they do my roof monday and ill vent up there


Well-Known Member
has anyone run a 1000w light? im thinking of getting 1 but when i look into the 1k vs 600w the only things i find are going on about multiple lights. i just want to start them off in my 1.2m tent with a 400w mh light, then move them to my flowering tent under the 600 for 4 weeks then swop the 600 for a 1000 for the final 4 weeks.