Well-Known Member
they do look good fella, should try take a few before lights on or after they switch off
heard that if you use a polarised lens it stops it too.
you can even get eyewear that removes the yellow (and protects your eyes), seen it used over the front of a cam works well
they look daft, but apparently work
would agree but
a while ago i was thinking i cant see a fuckin thing after an hrs play and cant be doing me any good so aha mogs thinks lets be cool babe and get the shades on , so out with the police ( the irony ) shades , the collers up and im ready to jive homes , it went well for a little while i guess , kept dropping the fuckers mind , then i lost them ( on me head still ) plus the light kept creasing my brain everytime a bit snook in the side , sitting trimming they got sticky as a fucker and my hairs sticking to the sides and getting dragged if i turn my head , then i manage to slice half an inch into the skin between the thumb and forefinger as i couldnt see what i was doing , this smarted somewhat and due to the blood i had to clean up , once back up i forgot about the glasses and sat on the fuckers because id left them on the chair , a cut hand , half blind and £110 down
i think its fair to say let others use um , im not trustworthy
so thats good and bad , i think , public spirited lol , if i let a bit go then its at 160 , nowt you can do being honest and the fucktard who relocates is a serious test of patience and a massive security risk , i really wish i could drop him but when you have a crop in you cant sit on it for the rest of your life , part of the joys of living in the middle of no-where is theres no-one around but it also means small circlesDont matter who u know m8 round here that's the rate. I don't buy the stuff so couldn't give a fuck, plus it's all the better for the likes of us come crop time. I dont even know what i could pick up an o for if i went hunting but i know people will pay 300 for mine and thats if i even let it go at that lol, 250 bulk thats it and the rest in bags.I see u liked them foxtails fingers moggy