The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
gotta ask moggy why the sudden liken of the thread??? u been posting up like ice3 on 10can of redbull n a few lines this last few wks but joined 2008???

i might even add a few more ??? to the post lol but always suspicious of people who joined yrs n yrs ago with low post count suddenly taking a liking to the thread no matter how kosher there posts read.


Well-Known Member
gotta ask moggy why the sudden liken of the thread??? u been posting up like ice3 on 10can of redbull n a few lines this last few wks but joined 2008????
When I joined here I posted a few questions and shit then seen this thread and hardly left it, don't see now point in posting anywhere else, if u wanna know something ask in here aye but I read up on shit else where, googles a fuckin legend of u ask me


Well-Known Member
@ newuser, so what u got goin at the min m8, have u started these blueberry yet?

My m8 here is sayin 3/4-0 tomoro, I said he's living in fuckin wonderland lol

to Liverpool I might add


Well-Known Member
Lol u can tell ur on the drink ur turnning into that argumentative cunt we all love to hate ahaha

So the plan is tomorrow throw a few litres of dare I say it PH water??lmao then bak to 2ml per litre'' warrabowt boost?? A ml?.?.

No he ain't grown it he's a kali guy.. which are sativa so obv not the same and that why i m- askin your advice since your the exo/phsyco guru

On tablet so spelllins gone the same place as that guys 9876253545706543 seeds lmao

Amatrips don ewww ur a brave man'' pil stik to me pregabs a.nd zopppies,,tyvm.


Well-Known Member
@ newuser, so what u got goin at the min m8, have u started these blueberry yet?

My m8 here is sayin 3/4-0 tomoro, I said he's living in fuckin wonderland lol

to Liverpool I might add
they are 2wk into veg n growin very well a nice size already, flipping the switch next wk on 3wk veg m8. and will also take clones then.


Well-Known Member
Then the.m livers of whoserface?? I'll be interested to see how they go' make sure to do sum pics lazy bones
aint livers grown that more than a few times, but is smelling very very nice carnt do pics i dont even grow i just lie n pretend it makes me feel ard lol


Well-Known Member
they are 2wk into veg n growin very well a nice size already, flipping the switch next wk on 3wk veg m8. and will also take clones then.
Been keeping this quite lol, keep me in mind for one m8, I might be able to work it in somewhere, ill pm u and let u know.

what about the charas bros on sr? I got a m8 some charas from indica and he loved it but he only does 10g, them othe guys do 25 for not a bad price, u got of them before?


Well-Known Member
Been keeping this quite lol, keep me in mind for one m8, I might be able to work it in somewhere, ill pm u and let u know.

what about the charas bros on sr? I got a m8 some charas from indica and he loved it but he only does 10g, them othe guys do 25 for not a bad price, u got of them before?
yeah had opium n charas from em m8 opium shite charas shite stay away, had better charas from ukpharm.

i say shite it was good hash just not good charas.


Well-Known Member
gotta ask moggy why the sudden liken of the thread??? u been posting up like ice3 on 10can of redbull n a few lines this last few wks but joined 2008???

i might even add a few more ??? to the post lol but always suspicious of people who joined yrs n yrs ago with low post count suddenly taking a liking to the thread no matter how kosher there posts read.
good question mr suspicious , im the worlds best informed cop who has access to shed loads of jusssssst the right pictures and im fishing for YOUR info , just you , watching you :shock:


uk420 the bunch of cunts have banned me , soooo got to have my fix elsewhere , most of the canna sites i used to use have now gone , some like this are still around hence posting on here, grasscity , mr nice , hell even soft secrets dont have a flavour of the uk to them wheres this place does , where else can you talk about air layering or tumour induced plazmoids ( i did say im well informed ) , so you poor fuckers are stuck with me :wall:


Well-Known Member
yeah had opium n charas from em m8 opium shite charas shite stay away, had better charas from ukpharm.

i say shite it was good hash just not good charas.
The guy I got shit for loved the charas of indica and is lookin about 20-25 g of the stuff for himself, maybe just mail indica cos he only does 10g and see what he can do.


Well-Known Member
good question mr suspicious , im the worlds best informed cop how has access to shed loads of jusssssst the right pictures and im fishing for YOUR info , just you , watching you :shock:


uk420 the bunch of cunts have banned me , soooo got to have my fix elsewhere , most of the canna sites i used to use have now gone , some like this are still around hence posting on here, grasscity , mr nice , hell even soft secrets dont have a flavour of the uk to them wheres this place does , where else can you talk about air layering or tumour induced plazmoids ( i did say im well informed ) , so you poor fuckers are stuck with me :wall:
Naaaaa, don't believe it


Well-Known Member
Naaaaa, don't believe it
no they did the fuckin bastards , the ban finishes tomorrow , im gunna pop over there and sort of clean up and say tata to a few people and leave it at that , uk420 can suck the cheese off the end of my knob the back stabbing deluded fucktards , i can live with a ban if i deserved it but i really didnt , it wasnt the first as i got nailed for posting a link to someone so they could buy seaweed concentrate , then there was a ban for telling joules hes a cunt ( i didnt realise he owned the place ) which of course went down well and this time i dont know until its run out so i can read the email they send with the `` your legs have been smacked `` message


anyone got newusers details , moms the word , swop ya for a get out of jail free card


Well-Known Member
good question mr suspicious , im the worlds best informed cop who has access to shed loads of jusssssst the right pictures and im fishing for YOUR info , just you , watching you :shock:


uk420 the bunch of cunts have banned me , soooo got to have my fix elsewhere , most of the canna sites i used to use have now gone , some like this are still around hence posting on here, grasscity , mr nice , hell even soft secrets dont have a flavour of the uk to them wheres this place does , where else can you talk about air layering or tumour induced plazmoids ( i did say im well informed ) , so you poor fuckers are stuck with me :wall:
thats my line i wind em alot better than you will ever will do, but always makes me think members like yaself you aint been on the thread long enough to no i been on riu almost aslong as you this is just another account but never seeing you and now posting like a post whore always makes me think??? not to mention im ''safe lads'' i grow a 1000 autos a year hmmmmm



Well-Known Member
thats my line i wind em alot better than you will ever will do, but always makes me think members like yaself you aint been on the thread long enough to no i been here almost aslong as you this is just another account but never seeing you and now posting like a post whore always makes me think??? not to mention im ''safe lads'' i grow a 1000 autos a year hmmmmm

a thou a yr ? who me ? one does ones best ya know , ive only got 48 on at the moment but it is the winter so .... roll on the feckin summer , if nothing else ill be able to show the ladys , at ``the other site `` if you mention you grow more than 4 plants or have just a couple of lights its ``THISFUCKERSCOMMERCIALKILLLLLL `` so i tend to keep my trap shut over there on most things , here its like a breath of fresh air in many ways , long may it last


Well-Known Member
u survived the intial inquest ya mite get past the newbs the planks n the i sit on fence threadbites but this is your 1st experience of sambo love lmao