The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fuckin 8 outta ma ten seeds fuckin died, bastard rockwool was too wet. fuckit ten clones from a mates plants have replaced them, bastards better take. although this time tomorrow ahll be sitting in a bothy in the highlands with a whiskey in one hand, a cider in the other and white powder dribbling oot ma hooter and ahll not be giving a fuck.

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
yeh mate i can eat for britain so that wont be an issue! in terms of training im trying to stick with compound movements as a priority. i pulled my sternum doing chins the other day though so im taking it easy this week lol
just don't lift weights that are too heavy if you can lift the weight 10 times but struggle on the last 2-3 then that's the weight to use don't do heavy weights you can only lift once unless you are trying to gain power/strength but to gain quality muscle keep within the 10 rep rule any more its too light any less too heavy and work each muscle group twice a week as you grow when you rest not when your working out,good luck :)


Well-Known Member
fuckin 8 outta ma ten seeds fuckin died, bastard rockwool was too wet. fuckit ten clones from a mates plants have replaced them, bastards better take. although this time tomorrow ahll be sitting in a bothy in the highlands with a whiskey in one hand, a cider in the other and white powder dribbling oot ma hooter and ahll not be giving a fuck.
What a cunt that is mate, u ain't the only 1 mate I've had sum shitty luck with seeds latley
And that sounds like my average sat night lol


Well-Known Member
spent the day in the garden, rewired after a power overload tripped the 2 circuits I was using, fuk me no fans for 20 mins...seal the fukin winders omg the smell its in the walls within mins...chilled to stressed in seconds..thats mj gowin...became totally irrational as to the cause of the Outage," Babe Ive melted the fukin cables in the walls...Ah you just high ... ping leccy back on Ha Ha got to love a practical woman


Well-Known Member
What a cunt that is mate, u ain't the only 1 mate I've had sum shitty luck with seeds latley
And that sounds like my average sat night lol
its really coz im doing it in sum1 elses house, normally im pretty sound at germinating and cloning but thats only when i can check them constantly myself. ah well thats 12 altogether so im hoping for 9 to take. and its my usual saturday too mate but its the idea of getting away for a cpl of days with no mobile, bird or kids that really appeals to me. just sum good mates and an open fire.


Active Member
the half a bcoin had left in the account that was worth $140 yesterday is now worth $60 lolz.

coin crash anyone?$266-to-$55/


Well-Known Member
here me thinkin u sai £140 per coin,, thats bloody bucks not qwids u was sayin


durex yeh mate i have had pals i could trust uneqwivikaly too,, untill the harvest comes in and greed sets in and ther like y should u get half wen nothings on you.. im soo parra lol

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
the bitcoin value is going down fast!! they were worth £172 each when I cash in but they are now only worth £45 if they go down to £20 I advise anyone to buy as many as they can and sit on them for a few weeks/months im hoping they get to less than a tenner lol

trichome 1

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
the bitcoin value is going down fast!! they were worth £172 each when I cash in but they are now only worth £45 if they go down to £20 I advise anyone to buy as many as they can and sit on them for a few weeks/months im hoping they get to less than a tenner lol
what a great time for my mate to get in touch with the doller he's owed me for nearly a year ! :)

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
ive been on bmr and it has been said that mt gox has shutdown and the bitcoin value will plummet to around £10 each so when they do grab em while you can :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
still sitting at 104 on my source, folks offering 70 but min spend 10 coins. it'll go down further. not that it really matters with the trackers.


Well-Known Member
I think they'll bring out more digital currencies and once they do the Bitcoins goina be fucked. Maybe money to be made until then but at some stage ther will be other digital currencies

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i don't think bit coins are dead just yet. only if the big banks and gov's block coins will a new ones emerge. more likely that'll happen if bitcoins go like paypal.


Well-Known Member
A m8 was doin a lot of reading bout them yesterday and he stuck 400 on them at 139 each lol. He says eventually the bubbles goina burst