The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ha ha yes moggs get some blue dream down ya I'm gonna have well hopefully have some clones of it in a couple of months
its defo on the list , i was soooooooooooooooooooooooo impressed with the train/w that i brought purple/w also , the t/w ive created 30+ clones simply because its so friggin good , so im rather impressed with hso and fancy trying others and blue dream crops up again and again as a must try strain


Well-Known Member
its defo on the list , i was soooooooooooooooooooooooo impressed with the train/w that i brought purple/w also , the t/w ive created 30+ clones simply because its so friggin good , so im rather impressed with hso and fancy trying others and blue dream crops up again and again as a must try strain
Yeh man well kyle kushman recommended it on his site so that did it for me.Humboldt look like a good outfit not a huge selection but they all look very good its been 20 hours since in popped em in paper and all 6 have cracked :-)


Active Member
looks like my new hobby is gonna b this, 24 mp...i have no idea which way round to use it, steep learning curve ahead and overbudget, fukin research and tech specs, i am a sucker fer that shit hha ha gift wrapped as a surprise fer the missus....theres always a way to it right, peace fukin 4 am post wheres me vape....oh yeah i am inhaling, confused between oxygen an cannabis vapour these days...volcano digi is the absolute nuts...havn had a j in ova a month, not cause i am tryin to stop ffs jus havn got any cured so its always volcano time an gets me much higher..sobbin...laughing...trippin(TD.. closed my eyes an was in a different reality...very nice) an is good fer ya...totally...its what the pot docs rec for lung probs ha ha

Id have got the cannon over the Nikon tho dude.


well went out to iceland like the first time i been out for over a hr in ages and get home..
ONLY BEEN BURGLED!! lmao.. diks kids of the estate all me kik boards of the kitchen and allsorts, they took absolutely nothing and never even went upstairs(so nothig was seen!!)
anwyays yeh so left the ps3 3d tv's all the other tvs and leds, wii u,, fuking left the lot, so was obv wat they was looking for, which they never got.

jjust glad me neighbour distubed em before they got fedup with looking for weed and turned ther attentions to me laptops and other shit.

Little shits, stupid little fuckers, I told those wee fuckers to go upstairs aswell but they didnt get a chance before someone disturbed them (shitbags).
Anyway youre still staying there, until next time then. HA HA HA HA.
Il slap those wee cunts for you ICE cos they didnt do a good job, what do u expect from kids!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Just watched Harry Brown on tv - good film - we should arm all ol' age pensioners & send em down the underpass.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha in trying Lol right that's that all done sticky fingers .com got 2 nice little balls of scissor hash to smoke time for a joint and bed


Well-Known Member
we bin havvin a right laugh this weekend all down to the plushberry, even got a letter from my solicitor which made me pmsl good lad that he is..sooo many are stoners today. Hopefully i ll work out the camera and put some shots up show subcool how to grow out plushberry ha ha deffo happy weed if anyones depressed like give it a run


Well-Known Member
mornin growers hope all had a gr8 weekend, heres day 14 of flower for the critical ;)
..............................buckets, bongs n bouncy songs ;)


Well-Known Member
Rockets to the moon Del
mornin growers hope all had a gr8 weekend, heres day 14 of flower for the critical ;)
..............................buckets, bongs n bouncy songs ;)