The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And this one gets banged out as loud and as hard as the system will take.
Some classic piano and organ chords with the dirtiest of Dubstep drops, one for the car or the neighbors!


I never get bored of this track and it's probably the only Dubstep tune you'll find me dancing to rather than getting messy and smoking blunts in a corner!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
What a crock of bollocks!

Just got refused a bottle of shandy in morissons because i didn't have any ID... Who gives a fuck about immigration problems if the cuntry is in that much of a shit state that they're terrified of little kiddies getting pissed up on shandy.
Did the %ABV even warrant ID or where they just being thick concerning licensing legislation?

For example you don't need ID for Bass.


Well-Known Member
only people here that will ID me still are the polish / eastern europeans in the corner shops. shit scared they'll lose their jobs / licence over it when they can clearly see i'm well over 18.

would have to give that vid a dislike button if there was one mate lol can't do dubstep

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Did the %ABV even warrant ID or where they just being thick concerning licensing legislation?

For example you don't need ID for Bass.
Was saint omar panache, think it's "less than 1%". Maybe that falls under legislation, but even if it does, it's bullshit. ID'd for <1% yet absolutely fine to sell me listerine no questions asked.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I get ID all over the shop cos when I'm clean shaven and baked I look a good 15 years younger than I am.

They look damn silly when the kid serving me is not even of drinking age and I pull my licence out of my wallet to slap it on the counter.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Was saint omar panache, think it's "less than 1%". Maybe that falls under legislation, but even if it does, it's bullshit. ID'd for <1% yet absolutely fine to sell me listerine no questions asked.
I'll have to consult my special orange book to be sure but I think 1% is the line, I've had 'Jack Daniels' brown sauce (yes for bacon) taken off me in Tesco because I tried to buy it after licensing hours and it contained more then the the limit.
Fucking laughed my arse off when the manager flipped the bottle round and said "Here mate have a look, hands are tied!".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I get ID all over the shop cos when I'm clean shaven and baked I look a good 15 years younger than I am.

They look damn silly when the kid serving me is not even of drinking age and I pull my licence out of my wallet to slap it on the counter.
I'm exactly the same. Most of the older women who ask my ID normally profusely appologise upon seeing my ID. Annoying for now, but give it 20 years and i'll be laughing :D

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I'm exactly the same. Most of the older women who ask my ID normally profusely appologise upon seeing my ID. Annoying for now, but give it 20 years and i'll be laughing :D
Aye I'm 34 in a couple of months, can't beat getting ID'd at 34 but when your with the boys picking up supplies you never hear the end of it!

I was chatting this bird up I've known for years a couple of weeks ago and she's never really known my age but it came up randomly and she was like "fuck off you're pulling my leg, you're about 26-27 tops", I had to phone a mutual friend who is 2 months older than me before she'd believe it.

There was a certain smile left on her face as we parted that let me know it's on the cards for future, she's about 23 and fit as fuck lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes just blast it back into the house, in winter you'll save on your heating bills no end.
If the filter is set up right it will be fine, 8" will filter quite a large space.

And that is the problem with the lack of emotion in text, it's very hard to determine if somebody's having a laugh or trying to be sarcastic.
We have smileys for this very reason......;)

I could do with some airflow in the TV cab but but that means more light leaking into the bedroom, to be honest I've loads to do and not enough time in the day. lol
interesting to see me trying the exact same thing, the little mini tent will be in with flowering plants, so i might just have to cut a couple feet of ducting, and bend it round, so there is no leaks, i also have a staple gun, excellent for making yourself feel powerful, few rolls of duct tape and i could start tomorrow, only if i could find my fuckin drill... one of the brothers took it i betcha


Well-Known Member
what happened to that bush you were growing kode? finished yet? new ones off to a flyer
phoarr warm one today thank fook i run the light through the night or they'd be cooking!

btw yorks that heads will roll tune atrack remix you posted has been played on my pc about 100 times lol fucking right tune, cheers for posting it
shes been taken down, ill get a pic up the end of this week, camera broke so i have to faff about with a fancy iphone(hence no weekly update, or harvest pics) through facebook logout delete conversation do it again, its a cunt for me on the phone.
but ill get final weigh in the end of this week when its all dried, buds are smaller than i would like but....

ill see about a 40 quid camera to keep up with the new lot.


Well-Known Member
i grew a beard for a reason, went to the paki shop to get fags and got id'd fuck it i have it out like an fbi badge when im buyin fags anyway nowadays, 25 and over wtf thats half way through most alcoholics lives and they are still gettin id'd


Well-Known Member
piss funny reading the threads he makes in the toke n talk or grow journals ha ha!
there was enough of those buds though ikode on that beast last time i saw so you should do well i reckon, hows the smoke look?
you'd pick one up like i'm using for cheap enough nowdays 10.1 mp exilim, old like but got the macro setting and takes decent pics.


Well-Known Member
piss funny reading the threads he makes in the toke n talk or grow journals ha ha!
there was enough of those buds though ikode on that beast last time i saw so you should do well i reckon, hows the smoke look?
you'd pick one up like i'm using for cheap enough nowdays 10.1 mp exilim, old like but got the macro setting and takes decent pics.
Yeah mate, been lookin on argos, 16mp for 40 quid, not bad might pick that up in 2 weeks or so, its got a decent macro onit aswell so ill be doin allsorts of fancy pics, takin pics of my fingerprints and everything

Iv tried the smoke, its quit a har hitter, gets you coughing like, but ima order some morrocon hash from bmr if i can get some coins, to do me over the cure, because i can see it being very nice after a decent cure. Buds are a bit fluffy, but i dont mind, as long as the smoke is good.

Could make a bomb buying and selling off BMR and such...where i live you could anyway. hobby while im vegging? lmao

just smoked a joint of my own grow, and iv been sitting here cross eyed unable to stop staring at the screen, so im pretty sure its good stuff, for me anyway.


Well-Known Member
what a day me and the boss ditched work early to go on a mini pub crawl on the kayak's perk's of living on a island
buzzin mate! you working back on the boat are you? i start tommorow aswell helping with tiling a swimming pool cant wait.

kode you ordered bmr before? i'v got 7g of big bang being sent tomora from ukganja

redeye jedi88

Active Member
nah man just some gardening here and there until i find a full time job, yeh fair play man sweet number that you got that full time or?