The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
alright shawny mate, ima have to see about this ballast mate, things fucked up may have to wait a lil longer. bang on deal aswell mate, well at least 4 weeks before i have the 600, probably longer like 8 weeks, funny how 1 company can just fuck up ur hopes and dreams ehh. i was actually depressed when i heard the news, i just couldnt believe it all this plannin for what over a ton saved up just to go down the shitter payin off bills and havin to use it just to live fuck that. everyone keeps saying stop growing to me, im spendign too much money on it, and not making enough, ffs they just dont understand, i havnt even got through a 600 harvest and they are sayin i wont be makin that much money off t, fuck that, and the fact that they know fuck all about growin, havnt done research like some people.

sorry im all chatery today havnt slept, sleep is for the weak.
stop listenin to fuktards an remember the maths...600 w = 300-600+ g which = a lot 0f $ where u live, carry on growinya way out man lifes bttr away from th shite

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Bum bandits?
no i've not heard of anyone being bummed by firms taxing them.
nah man been living here 4 1/2 year now, and fit u bam means what you bam in english, they dont hasstle me that much, infact im alriught with the native 'gang', its just goin to other estates like goin to each of my aunties is a nightmare, better make sure you walk away from the gang of 20, or theyd kill my dog just for the fun of it, i keep mysel to mysel, cuz last time i got invited out with the 'crew' its just turns into massive fights, which turn into wrestling matches or 1v20 or summit stupid accross the road with the other little shits. nobody actually relizes how serious these 15yr olds are, the police just think they have been breachin the peace, they dont even know the half of it, its like a mini mafia in each estate, 12yr olds puntin at the shops ffs, not my area, ill explain to you a little more clear.

5 main estates, ill use codenames

harry is fuckin violent area most of the olders that run things live there

fiona is another estate which is not too bad mainly filled with smak heads an their kids are on the rob all the time

dippy my estate one of the calmest ones

dippy2 right next door from me 2 miloes away is there main base of operations the shops, they own that place

then theres fuckupland, where id get stbbed if i told them where i was from, idk the hatred between the young teams, but it seems a bit pointless, i even heard of lads sendin girls over luring boys across the road so they get done in

my estate is basically owned by our neighbor, but they tend to stick tyo their hangout, unless their bringin bikes around or nickin them

id deffo get murdered goin back to the palce i grew up, nicked somones 9bar, stole bikes, stole crossers off the 'hardest boy in school' then proceeded to taunt his dad on his own 250cc, robbed a junkie dealers house for 3k, stole the car of a hotel owners son, ripped both doors off with a crobar, and drove it around doo0rs bent forwards haha, fuck am sure i done alot worse somwhere, but if i wasnt havin fun what was the point, ohh yeah and i copper piped some cunt the pipe bent, didnt relize he had a fuckin massive family, but yeah i used to be one of them little shits just, an hour and 45 mins away frm where im at now. i look alot different now and havnt met anyone i used to know so far...
fuck me sounds like you live in the scheme.

is a blade not counted as a gun in terms of offensive weapon an auto jail term?


Well-Known Member
na don i got stopped with a swiss army knife about 3 years ago,thought i was going to get fucked,the filth asked if he could keep it?cunt ov i said ye


Well-Known Member
Ay there alright kode a little burnt but they all good ;) like everyone says fuck em an keep doin what ya do Yeh ;) you'll love the 600 mate got be cooled tho I noticed a big diff since the hood ;)


Well-Known Member
What happened in woolwich is fuck all compared to waht some you guys have to put up with by sounds of it


Well-Known Member
I want sum Tangerine trainwreck haze from rare dankness, but ive still got the trainwreck to grow out thanks to mogs, Humbolt seeds lookin good. Fukin veg tent is outta control wiv 9 veg plants shown sex and a few strtched seedloings due to the monsters Grrr


Well-Known Member
Fuk of with tge swimmung pool u cunt

Uh oh seems we got a middle class war bwtween ttt and moggys IMO

And schyhigh lol billys hash wad grade wats thow talking about


Well-Known Member
Ay there alright kode a little burnt but they all good ;) like everyone says fuck em an keep doin what ya do Yeh ;) you'll love the 600 mate got be cooled tho I noticed a big diff since the hood ;)
not burned, they are eating their leaves i just wen 1ml/L of grow last feed, the first serated leaves are half eates, the next lot usually diem off anyway.


Well-Known Member
no i've not heard of anyone being bummed by firms taxing them.

fuck me sounds like you live in the scheme.

is a blade not counted as a gun in terms of offensive weapon an auto jail term?
nea long ago i got stopped with a 2 inch blade, got it back but got told charges next time, prolly scare tactic


Well-Known Member
What happened in woolwich is fuck all compared to waht some you guys have to put up with by sounds of it
id have been up behind them with a 2x4 mate, all those pussys watchin that guy get killed. try that round here one of the younguns is bound to stab ye for hero status.


Active Member
Fuk of with tge swimmung pool u cunt

Uh oh seems we got a middle class war bwtween ttt and moggys IMO

And schyhigh lol billys hash wad grade wats thow talking about
I wanted to see what it was like after everyone was banging on about it, greenfingerz sent me some at the time.
i found the fucking Baggie on top of the kitchen cupboards yday.

still not touching the shit. Lol


Well-Known Member
Fuk me its the uk auto thread

Ans its ok guys sambo got his tablets amd has been fucked up so hes still alive......unfortunately lmao

MG MY spelling is gash wen using the forum app lol fat fingers even fatter cock

Oh werd that come from...nrly clocked riptide :( gunna be board soon

Packing for the moove is going well cant fcuking wait to get the ic3 gravy train rolling