Hey Fella'z
Nice one Brocky ... + Rep for the Old Skool break Beats ... nice

... Feel a bit sorry for the fly ... but im a soppy twat like that
As for the Streets track ...I does kind of sum things up to a degree .... But i can't help thinking it gives smokers / growers a bad rep to ... Makes us look lazy and pointless and that we contribute nothing ... we both know thats not the case , A nice updated version of that track would come in handy for Mr Clegg though
that was one of the very first songs i learnt to breakdance too

thanks for the rep

it flew away after it had came down from the effects lol.
as you say it shows things upto a degree, but its telling a story.
the drunks is: get back from work, get pissed at home, meet up with the lads and go the pub, get smashed in the pub, start a fight in the pub because someone looks at you, spit at a police officer, go and get a kebab, slur your words and talk shit, repeat everything your saying, dont remeber a thing in the morning and do it the same again next friday.
the smokers: get back from work/uni/collage, sit on the sofa turn the playsation on skin a fat one up and smoke it, (past reffrence)"hi my names tim and im a criminal, in the eyes of soceity in need to be in jail for the choice of herbs I inhale" "i pose a threat to the nation, down the station the police hold no patience" so hes saying that were all classed as criminals because we smoke a plant and most people would have us locked up, were a threat to the nation and the police think were scum (as for the drunk got let off scott free), calling your mates round, getting the bong out then talking about films and songs then talking about Amsterdam and how good the shit is there, the bong thier smoking on is a homemade bong which Tim made out of metal and bits and put them all together to make a fully working bong with help from his enginering degree, going back to the playstation as the pizza comes, you asked for cheese&tomatoe but they brought you chicken but you accept it and pick the chicken off (a drunk would argue), we talk about things instead of strating arguments and we act like adults were nice people and if you leave us to it we dont cause harm to no-one, then you get stoned more watch telly with your mates until 6 then you fall asleep after a goods night smoking sesh, then why a drunk repeats and slurs everything and how much the drunks cost the tax payer on the NHS and how many deaths there are per year as for cannabis related deaths there has been zero.
i wanted to play Jilted John - Gordon is a moron. to Mr brown because he was a shambles lol.