Post about whatever ok here goes in dwc is the deeper the bucket better and dont reply yea cause it means ya water less plz i want an awnser with some weight behind it i wanna no does it make a diff if i use a 1 foot deep 20 litre bucket and veg for 6 weeks compared to if i was to use a 3 n 1/2 foot deep 80 litre bin

and yes i would prob veg for longer as theres obviously more root space i want a pound of green of 1 plant thats why im thinking 8 weeks veg 80 litre bucket n yes im stoned so this might not be as clear a question as i ment it to be peace
o yea and any uk pigs reading this go fuck urselves llf itll cost me £200 a set up whats it cost you to stop me ya money wasteing cunts no wonder the countrys broke buncha prics in suits getting paid to convict good ppl such pride i have to be british these days sigh go pester some crack dealing chav!
come on guys someone anyone have any knowledge of is deeper buckets better than shallower 1s plz its driving me mental i cant find no info