The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
urr thata attick grow held topgther with packing tapes not very good? dont take a genius, but i forget your the resident google knowitall, who faild with his tria and had bud rot, so i guess ur grow space it top drawer! lmao,, watever man, i cant even be arsed arguing with you, like u said to indi otherday u lost all credibiity,, mate u did that LONG LONG ago, u need to realise u dont know everything about everything and with you mate google is not your frind it just makes u look a cunt.
now stop licking dons balls and grow somthing propper and come back to us with a fresh attitude, ur claims are horseshit and your opnions fall on deaf ears, u contracdict yourself more than fuk knows and well mate, u just make urself lok more of a cunt than i do, and thats saying summert.
My attic tent DOOR is held on with packing tape not all of it you fool, have you tried pulling "Jaffa Tape" off poly once it's stuck on? It's not happening, strongest duct tape you can buy.
I sprayed 1 random, pollen chucked, bagseed plant with tria so It's hardly a failure.
It's been proven to work since 1982 but you're too stupid to understand the papers if I gave you them to read.
FYI bud rot is caused by Botrytis Cinerea, it's airborne spores are everywhere and it is pretty much impossible to have a spore free environment without a sealed room.
3 days of intense rain after a 2 week heat wave tends to bring up the humidity a little, air intake coming from outside, bit of bud rot, no big deal.
Getting Botrytis has fuck all to do with my ability as a grower and if you used Google a little more and learned a thing or 2 all these years you wouldn't look half as silly as you do when you have these random Ad Hominem outbursts, every time you show yourself up.
What do you mean by "grow something proper", is this not grown proper enough for you?........ long have you been veging your so called "Big op" stubs for now and under how much light?
You fucking mug, the day you call me on horseshit claims when you can barely fucking read or write cos you've spent half yer life smacked out of yer head and in prison is the day I exchange my head for a pineapple!
What bullshit claims have I made then Mr photographic memory all of a sudden!? If you can even remember what was said properly to call me on it I'd be very fucking surprised, let alone actually be able to read and understand the subject properly to call it bullshit.
3 words for you IC3, Dunning-Kruger Effect..............