The UK Growers Thread!

Just ordered 4 airpots they look shit hot can't wait 2 start my next grow in them gotta wait another 2 months for the grow I got on the go at the mo to finish :/
Quick question ppl I still ain't got round to gettin any nutes for my plants there jus over 3 nd a half weeks I'm kinda thinking weather to not even bother and jus grow it au naturel, how much bud wud I be losing not givin it nutes?


Active Member
nice fucking buds!!!

i grow on just water and i yield about an oz an a quart of each plant. but i only grow autos aswell
Well that ain't to bad then jus bought sum nutes but it's only cheap all purpose fert, do you recon it would b a wise idea? Nd wots an autoflowering plant??


Well-Known Member
anybody give me some advice on lighting , its my second time growing and i used a 250w hps wich i got given the plants grew ok but the yield was quiet low any advice appreciated !! and ive also just been given a 250 w metal halide , would it be ok to use both at the same time or not , i have just started my second crop with 5 diesel plants thanks ppl :)


Active Member
250 is gud for 5 plants...stil the more u thro t more d chances ;)...i gues its ok to use both at the same time but i wud not recommend dat as it will have a difference for sure rather than bein consistent...


Well-Known Member
nice 1 mate , wasnt to sure because i read on a few sights saying your not meant to use a hps light during veg just metal halide , i was thinking that might have been the cause of the low yield but then again i didnt even know what type of seeds i grew them from , still turned out ok for my first grow , this one will be better and bigger i hope scince i know the type im growing ect , its all trial and error i suppose , but im buying a 400w dual spectrum light next week so thats a bonus :)


Active Member
yea better luck next time....generaly bothe the li8s are from 2 diff. specturms...Mh are gud in vegg n HPS for flower....on the odr hand CFLs are effiecient and economical too...a burden of heat reduces if u ask me....gud for u that u got a 400w i have one too altho dint get the chance of utilizin it...:P

new guy25

Well-Known Member
anybody give me some advice on lighting , its my second time growing and i used a 250w hps wich i got given the plants grew ok but the yield was quiet low any advice appreciated !! and ive also just been given a 250 w metal halide , would it be ok to use both at the same time or not , i have just started my second crop with 5 diesel plants thanks ppl :)
I'd say yes see some expert grows vids they mix both HPS and MH 60/40.
Wish someone would give me a free MH already got a 400 hps lol


Well-Known Member
lol thanks for the info , my friend just bought a 400w to replace his 250 so he gave me it , whats the best way to get a really good yield ive got some diesel seeds just started there a few weeks old now ive been looking at super cropping and sea of green methods are these any good ?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
anybody give me some advice on lighting , its my second time growing and i used a 250w hps wich i got given the plants grew ok but the yield was quiet low any advice appreciated !! and ive also just been given a 250 w metal halide , would it be ok to use both at the same time or not , i have just started my second crop with 5 diesel plants thanks ppl :)
add the mh mate it will help the more usable light you can get over your plants the better off they'll be in regards to growth rate and yeild, people mix lights all the time especially mh and hps, mh used during flower is supposed to help in trichome production and the hps is used for weight using the 2 together should only improve your bud mate


Well-Known Member
nice 1 mate , ill put both on together as im after plenty yeild but good smoke at the same time , my last grow was ok but ive had way better smoke than what i had , plus it didnt help the fact i didnt have a clue what type it was but it gave off a pepper kind of smell any ideas of what type that could have been ? much thanks for the info bud