The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
at mr t the soma amnesia haze is quality seed, takes 13 weeks but at 5 the nugs are more developed than the psycho, ive mainlined for 4, it looks like a quality strain if u got the time, nuffin on exo or psycho for yield by the looks, prolly get 6 off her wheras the 1 st psychos lookin more like 8 + and the exo more still


Well-Known Member
i was looking at getting a bag of plant magic from greens being as ive got to get the roof cube tent and the scrog screen from there.

my mate uses GHE and his always tastes better than mine even when he quick dries it. i thought it was just the difference between coco and clay pebbles.
ok cheers mate ill have a look into that now :-D
do you think 4x 10L air pots would be ok in a 1.2m tent or should i order bigger pots?

all this talk about GTA5 has got me cursing the lack of funds in my wallet lol. i loved vice city and san andreas
Or GWR some gnat off insect rwppelnen t add it to you r feed and it kills any unwantables in tour root system ;)


Well-Known Member
If I get the clonex and 4 jiffys will I need a dome etc.....

Urrrrrrggghhhhh cloning shouldn't be this hard, I've done it in a cup off water ffs
Depends how many u do if its just a couple just chop 2 ltrs bottles in half and use the base to cover em ???? I've never used a bubbler but had 99% success Tate with jiffys ;)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Just had a moment of madness I sprayed the oldest clones last night with some canna cure, growth above ground has dubbeld.

So they are alive and do want to grow. Leafs even reaching for light lol.

I though fuck it and gently scrapped the all of the nubs off of the oldest clones very gently, the stem is now bright green.

Hopefully this will encourage them to replace the nubs with real roots. I have left a few untouched in case this doesn't work..

Could it just be this is just a plant that hates being cloned..

All clones placed in 4 days ago now have nubs......

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
So I scrape all the nodes off and what do I find this........

gets some

Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 3,354

Well hot damn. No matter how long you've been in this hobby, you'll still learn something new! My clones are saved!

The bumpy clone I put into a stand alone DWC sprouted NICE roots fast and is vegging happily. I took about 10 of the other bumpy clones and put them into a big glass of water with some beneficial bacteria and a tiny splash of veg nutes and sure enough the roots started popping out.

Moral of the story is that large root bumps do act as roots until placed into a suitable growing environment. I think I did just have too much oxygen in my bubble cloner and that was holding the roots back. Less bubbles next time...and even if just big bumps, they will sprout into full roots quickly when transplanted.

Thanks for the thoughts all.

Any thoughts as to what causes this indi don yorky dst nu rimmer and lurkers

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So I scrape all the nodes off and what do I find this........

gets some

Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 3,354
Well hot damn. No matter how long you've been in this hobby, you'll still learn something new! My clones are saved!

The bumpy clone I put into a stand alone DWC sprouted NICE roots fast and is vegging happily. I took about 10 of the other bumpy clones and put them into a big glass of water with some beneficial bacteria and a tiny splash of veg nutes and sure enough the roots started popping out.

Moral of the story is that large root bumps do act as roots until placed into a suitable growing environment. I think I did just have too much oxygen in my bubble cloner and that was holding the roots back. Less bubbles next time...and even if just big bumps, they will sprout into full roots quickly when transplanted.

Thanks for the thoughts all.

Any thoughts as to what causes this indi don yorky dst nu rimmer and lurkers

Never too much oxygen.

I've a home made fog cloner.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
That's what I thought, it can't be too much o2 because when he transplanted he would have put them into a media, taking them out of the water completely....

I'm FUCKING stumped, on this.

I have cut the ends and instead off being hollow as they were, the hole is filled by a white bit, I assume that's the carbs keeping them ridigd?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
If I feed with the canna cure they grow above ground, so these nubs do not take in nutes, if this was the case they would have responded to the nutes in the res.....

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
How big can you grow a plant in them size air pots, as there pruning roots??
I don't know but I personally have kept a plant in a 1L soil airpot (same size as those in the picture) for about 11months.

I let it get shabby so it had to be binned but it could have been kept healthy for quite a long time.


Well-Known Member
maybe ??? lolol u still got my num gisa bell if so or send yours again.
i just tried mate but it said the numbers not reconised. i emailed my mobile number but the battery is shit on that phone and i got to pop down the docs to pic up inhalers for the mrs. if i dont answer ill give you a ring back when i get home