The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
For 2 plants, the NFT Gro-Tank 205 GTi should be fine, although at only 20L you'll want to keep an eye on the water level, ph and EC fairly regularly (every couple of days). If i had the space i'd go for the one with the 45L res, but that is just me an my quest for weekly tending to the plants instead of every other day.


Well-Known Member
hey tip top guess whos back??? couldnt pay for my internet bill so im back at uni just so's i can use their excellent facilities. hope everyones well c u all soon coz i'm waiting on sky cumin to hook me up with broadband at my flat....sick humour will surely follow me.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I am just looking for locations for a grow in the uk that would mask that damn heat exhaust - best i can come up with so far is a cottage in the middle of nowhere so i could vent from the chimney. Cant seem to find any basement property to rent but i imagine that would be ideal. I was thinking of maybe a mini split ac and a completely sealed insulated room with 4 x 600w all in xxxl hoods and a co2 burner - some people say this isnt necessary for the uk climate but i am just looking for perfect optimisation all year round and stealth all the way...

My main worry is hiding that exhaust - what do you think - does this seem like a good plan?

copied from the general thread - what do you guys think???

have you looked at these?-
might be the answer to ur problem

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hey tip top guess whos back??? couldnt pay for my internet bill so im back at uni just so's i can use their excellent facilities. hope everyones well c u all soon coz i'm waiting on sky cumin to hook me up with broadband at my flat....sick humour will surely follow me.
Dura you old slag! Hope you've been keeping well and well, still showing the missus who's in charge? :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey tip top guess whos back??? couldnt pay for my internet bill so im back at uni just so's i can use their excellent facilities. hope everyones well c u all soon coz i'm waiting on sky cumin to hook me up with broadband at my flat....sick humour will surely follow me.
aint been the same without you fella the tone wasnt reet ;) whats the crack you kicked the booze or the mrs? both????


What're the rules on waking up lazy cuntish guests? Wasting my day off, ghah[/QUOTE]

Hah yeah youre right, I could have researched the stuff myself, but cheers for a reply you always better asking the experts, an I thought that guy who opened a the first coffee shop in the UK deserved a mention, peace

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What're the rules on waking up lazy cuntish guests? Wasting my day off, ghah

Hah yeah youre right, I could have researched the stuff myself, but cheers for a reply you always better asking the experts, an I thought that guy who opened a the first coffee shop in the UK deserved a mention, peace[/QUOTE]

No worries :) I don't have a problem with people asking questions, i do myself when i'm in a lazy mood, it's the ones who want to be spoon fed from A to Z that i get quirky with :lol: Gonna have to read up on that bloke, sounds interesting :)

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Hi all Your help as been great from this thread So once again a Quick question

I'v cut some clones today and put them in a heated propergator like usual. Just wondering if my New 250 blue clf is ok for them at this early stage if not Iv a couple of small clfs what you think I should use and when ?


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
While i was using my 300w CFL, i had 100% sucsess with clones. IT was actually when i started using a heated propogator with 90-100% humidity that i've started encountering issues.

So short story is they should be just super dooper :)


Active Member
i havent got a clue, but the cfl's are amazing, im using 3 of them at the min and my plant loves them

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Call me a fooooool, but at the same time, could some explain the logic behind high definition cartoons? I have 65mb copies that look and sound the same.

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Hi all Your help as been great from this thread So once again a Quick question

I'v cut some clones today and put them in a heated propergator like usual. Just wondering if my New 250 blue clf is ok for them at this early stage if not Iv a couple of small clfs what you think I should use and when ?

While i was using my 300w CFL, i had 100% sucsess with clones. IT was actually when i started using a heated propogator with 90-100% humidity that i've started encountering issues.

So short story is they should be just super dooper :)
Sorry to hear that Iv had 100% root for me in mine but then again Iv only done around 20 I my short time growing.

Just did't know if they could have to much light a this early stage Thanks for advice pal

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Call me a fooooool, but at the same time, could some explain the logic behind high definition cartoons? I have 65mb copies that look and sound the same.
I thought the same thing when i saw simpsons and spongebob in HD lol and I'v seen some of the best 3D tvs in action NOT WORTH THE CASH but saying that I'd prob buy one anyways if I had money to blow haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've only ever lost a pair of clones because i forgot about them. Like you i've only taken about 20 myself to date, but i found that my initial DWC bucket with it's single airstone and no dome, worked every time, when i use the prop i find that they encounter massive humidity shock or something an are prone to a lot of leaf damage, although i'm sure i can just zone in on it and alter the humidity gradually but hey, i'm not the kind of guy to do that. I work my socks off when i'm at work so home time is mega down time :D I'm sure it's possbile to give a clone too much light, but as it is, it will be fine, i kept my 300w about 30cm above the clones.

And buy one? as in a HD TV?


Active Member
HD has no difference on a programme or on the xbox. think weve all been had.

the HD might stand for Had Doe, and then you lost it all buying the telly


Active Member
nah i got the new xbox and it got some upscaling shit built in and it makes the dodgy copied films i buy from the market look wicked lol