I agree, Winnie was and still is a fruitloop from what I have seen. But the link you posted only gives another opinion with claims of 1000's of deaths without actually backing that up with empirical evidence. And to say Madiba (which is only his clan name and something I have called him since meeting my SA wife over a decade ago) was directly responsible for them is also unfounded. Bottom line, black people lived in Africa, white people arrive, white people put up fences to keep cattle in, black people walk across field that white person now "owns", sorry Mr Zulu, but you is getting shot for walking on my land, scaring my cattle, probably stealing my animals....."eh, but we be doing this for 1000's of years"........Oh, and now we are going to set up seperate areas that you can now no longer live in.....Apartheid! Disgusting Dutch fukkin word. As for necklace killing, I am not arguing against that, it's outrageous. But when you are subject to oppression by a set of people and rise against that, it's only the oppressors that call it terrorism, and as I said before, in times of war people do strange things. Brits shot Brits for purely not wanting to fight! End result is still death.
As for crime increasing in SA since Mandelas release, have you seen the statistics on how many illegal immigrants enter SA everyday. Most gangs at higher levels there are now Russians, most dagga sold is done by Nigerian gangs, and as for the Numbers gangs, well that I can only shake my head at and wonder wtf. Unfortunately black people (Zululs, Quosa's and the other 9 or so different speaking tribes) all come from long seated backgrounds with strict family ways. Most Zulu children will not even look their Dad direct in the eye until they gain the respect. Own their first cow, etc. Then you have people huddled together in areas where the white man has created prosperity, living in shacks with 10 people inside, it totally breaks down the social structure that these people have had for centuries and in turn breaks down their society, which is why they are forced to move to Cities to gain work as the traditional way of living is no longer available to them.......anyway, your opinion is your opinion, and mine is mine and shall not be swayed with a liveleak link.