Who said seed then gary lmao. Sum cunt is stoned lol fuck ive talked to sum shirt lifters in my time, But not 1 thats stoned wearin a shirt with pink flowers all over it hahayeah yeah ok until u show how u done it i seriously doubt u pulled 2 1/2 oz per plant dry weight from a 12/12 from seed grow in 9 weeks, im not saying its not possible all im saying is ur new and have no respect in here and no pics to date so untill u prove ur growing credentials everything u say will be under scrutiny
Sum1 as ruffled your feathers ay lad? Jeeze an I thought I was avin a hard time lol only jokin mate who you after ??aww look seems we have a old member bak,, u know a sly bastard who dont like to pay his shit....
wer not fuking dumb, ther was 1 member onlywho used to call everyone lad and used the lmao quote,,,, fucking dik!!!
that is all.
??? and what the fuck are u talking about? and whats this shit about pink flowers?? u on some acid or summit?Who said seed then gary lmao. Sum cunt is stoned lol fuck ive talked to sum shirt lifters in my time, But not 1 thats stoned wearin a shirt with pink flowers all over it haha
U said 2.5 oz from seed in the earier post! Did u not? Haha fuck me gary wot ya smokin mate? In my post which ill quote just for you were did I say 2.5oz a plant from seed if I ran seeds yh id be fucked but from clone is a diffrent storie lol. From a 4 wk veg on exo you ll be lookin at 6oz+ depending how well you feed and wot medium/nuitrients yr using fuck organics its over hyped And to much hassle to beginners a good base nute and flower booster is all u need and a decent set uo and yr good to rock??? and what the fuck are u talking about? and whats this shit about pink flowers?? u on some acid or summit?
aww look seems we have a old member bak,, u know a sly bastard who dont like to pay his shit....
wer not fuking dumb, ther was 1 member onlywho used to call everyone lad and used the lmao quote,,,, fucking dik!!!
that is all.
yeah you bitch u owe me money fer sure u robbin bastard....who we talkin about btwTopper? I'm not by any means the best of grower's and never stated I was but any grower worth his salt could tell you that vegging is a waste of time. The only other threads I've posted in is 20x exodus and mary j which the thread op I know of, If he has ripped any1 off im sorry but its not my doing. Back to the thread ay = - )
Eating, shiting,smoking & shaging, not nessercerly in that order.Morning all, what you bunch of reprobates up to today then?
If I owed anyone they 'd get paid fuck I could'nt rob my corner shoo out of 5 pence lolyeah you bitch u owe me money fer sure u robbin bastard....who we talkin about btw![]()
Lemon cheese its meant to be a cross between exodus chesse and a early lemon cut underground original got in male and cross bred the 2 to find the best pheno and just cloned the fuck out of the mother. Fuck knows how true it is but its served me well for 5+yrs so who gives a fuck! Ill throw sum pics up when the misses gets back from selling her salmon haha.I seriously couldn't give a flying fuk if u veg or not such shit .....and so far u are not funny ...frankly why don't u just tell us about the lemon cut u got....bet that's a load of shit like your boring posts
that musics a crease manwell thats one more thing than i'll be doing, sounds like a busy day chirpy.
i chopped another 4 blue pits yesterday, they smell like raspberry doughnuts, i was nearly using my teeth to trim.
and my da vinci vapes is a bit of a beast too, smoked it at the match the other day and nobody batted an eyelid!