The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
vals vals vals lol yeah you gotta love em but they are a cunt to give up lol was hooked on benzos for yrs use to order them by the 1000s from the web always prefered lorazepam or 30mg restoril/temazepam tho valiums too weak, got proper naughty on em munching LOTS not good.
Aye, the old green temaz eggs were the ones for me! but know what you mean sambo, high tollerence real quick, plus every time i popped a couple when goin oot on the lash, just gave me a long week-end in a cell lol. Good old day's!


Well-Known Member
Aye, the old green temaz eggs were the ones for me! but know what you mean sambo, high tollerence real quick, plus every time i popped a couple when goin oot on the lash, just gave me a long week-end in a cell lol. Good old day's!
its been bout 2yrs since i gave up the benzos was a fucker to get off em you have to do it slowly cause apparently can be pretty dangerous to just stop.

use to have to go to the chemist to collect my 30mg daily dose lol was only then that i realised how many smack heads there was in my area cause they would all be there too getting methodone wasnt the greatest period of me life lol


Well-Known Member
kept washing up n getting whiff of weed when im standing there??? ad a look in the cupboard n found a box of trim result! just seperated a load of kief from it n had a pipe fucking well happy now hadnt hada smoke ina few days.

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Aye, the old green temaz eggs were the ones for me! but know what you mean sambo, high tollerence real quick, plus every time i popped a couple when goin oot on the lash, just gave me a long week-end in a cell lol. Good old day's!
We use to call those jellies. I'd lose whole weekends on them things!


Well-Known Member
I was in the park late at night, feeling a bit tired and lazy.
I lay down and screamed.
Straight away this girl ran in my direction. When she noticed me lying there, she ran over and asked if I was okay.

To which I replied, "Yeah, I'm fine, just didn't really feel like chasing tonight."


Well-Known Member
The Bible is too wordy, the stories are too wordy, theres no need for the ten commandments.

The Bible should be just one sheet of paper that says:

'Try not to be a cunt.'


Well-Known Member
yeah mate the comedown is gone, ahm sitting watchin x factor with ma bird havin a line and a vodka. wot bout u?


Well-Known Member
Alright dura boy! She's on works night oot, so im in wi the laddie, few tin's and nice bit silver! Aye the vallies n jellies when oot allway's resulted in either cop shop or some strange bed! Never get home wi that cocktail lol.

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
yeah mate the comedown is gone, ahm sitting watchin x factor with ma bird havin a line and a vodka. wot bout u?
I'm in the doghouse mate. Told my Mrs. she'd look like a hooker in leoperd skin leggins. She's gone ape shit on me about that one. (I really need to to keep my mouth shut) so watching The Wire on the laptop and reading RIU. No sex for me tonight.

X Factor dude? Do you like that shit? Let me guess you like watching the tards make a fool of themselves.


Well-Known Member
thats about it mate, i love seein them gettin booted off but both rhianna and christine aguilera were on so it was worth watchin, if ma bird wizny in ahd have been pullin the head off it

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
thats about it mate, i love seein them gettin booted off but both rhianna and christine aguilera were on so it was worth watchin, if ma bird wizny in ahd have been pullin the head off it
Enjoy mate. Hopefully you'll get lucky, unlike me.

Stay away from that E. lol

Reminds me though, E sex, fucking mind blowing.

Have a good night dura. See you in the morning.


Well-Known Member
alright jambo, what u mean by silver mate.
Sup' dura, aye its a bit silver Haze I picked up of a friend. Looks, smells and tastes good, but not got no hit to it! How you doin anyway m8? Aye that Rihanna was Hot lastnight! I got you there bro!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet lads! aye them 10 bar E have been doin the rounds in the toon a while. n your right what you say Dura not really one for the pub eh haha jaw doin the typewriter .....