i love rock but in near 20yrs of taking drugs ive only smoked it prob less than 20 times, same as brown i love that buzz maybe not the spewing or the taste when smoking it but only touched that less than 20 times a lot less than 20 time tbh, opium ive smoked a fair few times didn't really rate it, had more e's n md than i had hot dinners n thats saying sumfing for a fatty like myself, ket done shit-loads,acid,base,speed.
and been in positions when ive had money to afford a 8th of rock a day n some, or any drug.
but all the education of today anyone with half a brain no's you take that hard shit day n day out and your gonna get into trouble which is why i never did never have or would but fuck yeah id have a nights blast on em all bar the acid dont think me fragile mind could handle it.
imo its either weak people who have problems and try mask it with hard shit n get addicted or very stupid people cause everyone knows nowdays what smoking rock or smack or injecting etc is gonna lead too
only drug i can say i ever been truly addicted too is a fucking prescription drug, benzo which started by fucking docs giving me a script for em....