The UK Growers Thread!

in toon we get dec/jan off from cuntcil tax. and what thje fuck is it with birds wanting dogs. mine's been banging on about a sausage dog pup for ages now.

Lol mate my misses would av loads of the fuckers if it was nt for me puttin my foot down we av already got 2xdogs a monkey fish lizards and she wants a fuckin french bulldog now lol and its gotta be blue haha ive told her good luck with it haha im not payin over 2k for a fuckin mut lol I thought 900 was bad lmao
Yeh with ya on that baz can go without money if I got weed but with neither Yeh I'm fucked Lol...aye bills bills bills there wankers mate...was the opposite with me and mine I wanted the dogs Lol I love em man they can piss you off like but their good fun especially with a bit a tripe on yer tip aye baz lmfao
@Yorkie , @Don , @anyone else that might know :)

you guys got any thought on this method ... im interested in trying it but im not 100% convinced that spraying the BHO into water is a good thing to do ....

Butane is not very miscible with water so I don't think it would work like expected.

You could evaporate as much of the Butane off as you could naturally, then dissolve the resulting BHO in Ethanol (Everclear), evaporate the ethanol off and you should have a pretty pure product with none of the crap residuals from the butane.
That process would be hard to beat without kit to be fair.
@Yorkie , @Don , @anyone else that might know :)

you guys got any thought on this method ... im interested in trying it but im not 100% convinced that spraying the BHO into water is a good thing to do ....
yeah it works a charm it just globs together on top of the water as it's non soluble
Lol mate my misses would av loads of the fuckers if it was nt for me puttin my foot down we av already got 2xdogs a monkey fish lizards and she wants a fuckin french bulldog now lol and its gotta be blue haha ive told her good luck with it haha im not payin over 2k for a fuckin mut lol I thought 900 was bad lmao
cheaper than a kid at this stage for me lol.
watch this space mate.

EDIT: though actually i'm not going to bother with the water as i'm going to repeat the butane process a couple of times then do the ethanol bit. probably be easier without the water tbh. evaP FASTER OR SAVE ME HAVING TO GLOB IT TOGETHER... caps
watch this space mate.

EDIT: though actually i'm not going to bother with the water as i'm going to repeat the butane process a couple of times then do the ethanol bit. probably be easier without the water tbh. evaP FASTER OR SAVE ME HAVING TO GLOB IT TOGETHER... caps

I'm thinking it would glob together in the water like you say but it would seal the internal butane into the little glob as neither are soluble, there's plenty left once a plate has stopped bubbling on it's own and then you warm it up over hot water to purge.

Yeh i can see the water making things very messy and trickier I'd just do a normal evap and add everclear or just heat purge it...was watching something the other day and this fella rekons the honeycomb crumblier texture is purer that strait shatter? some really nice looking ice wax aswell on YouTube them yanks are killing it off
Hasn't anybody got a job on ? Must be a werehouse somewhere with lots for us to nabb !, I think Z is top bank robber, giz a job m8.
Lol mate my misses would av loads of the fuckers if it was nt for me puttin my foot down we av already got 2xdogs a monkey fish lizards and she wants a fuckin french bulldog now lol and its gotta be blue haha ive told her good luck with it haha im not payin over 2k for a fuckin mut lol I thought 900 was bad lmao

mines the same bud, have to keep the foot down now since she got the fuckong ragdoll (800 for a fucking cat!) the dog was just under that lol
yorkie, you'd still need to heat it to get a lot of the butane out. i intend to heat mine a few times til it bubbles no more before i add the ethanol and filter. am just waiting on the butane now.
I'm thinking it would glob together in the water like you say but it would seal the internal butane into the little glob as neither are soluble, there's plenty left once a plate has stopped bubbling on it's own and then you warm it up over hot water to purge.


isnt that the point of the bubble bag though ? if you sprayed into hot water onto a bubble bag then couldnt you just pull the bubble bag out the water with the glob on , then scrap it off onto a hot plate and whip it ??? dunno if that would work ... how about once you pull the bubble bag out the water you stick it in freezer , then once the oil has gone abit more brittle you could peel it off the bag and whip it onto a hot plate that way ?? im not sure just throwing ideas out there ..

also wouldnt the whipping get whatever butane is trapped out ?
drying as we speak i said game on lol

Haha cure it for 4 wks till im ready its no problem mine will be down by then and we can throw alittle out to some1 that is nt biased enough to throw it mate lol will take a sample myself if ya dont mind and visa versa lad let the games begin haha
Depends on how he defines pure.

Lol I don't know more THC I rekon this k he left it purging all night I'll try n find the vid mate....

@rob think if I was gonna do it is use a 25 bag or something I'd be scared of the oil getting caught up in the tiny holes.....if you try it take mate I wanna see it
Lol just checked it says 1 is enough but fuck it I'll stick 2 on to be safe its what I normally do man I just don't like over paying the fuckers lol