The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
nice plants lemon, u lemon.

yes baz lifes great atm, obviously i have the odd woman trouble. but thats married life i suppose?

but yeh im rather enjoying myself now wer in a new hous ein a new city with no takeaway smog like the old place.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
nice plants lemon, u lemon.

yes baz lifes great atm, obviously i have the odd woman trouble. but thats married life i suppose?

but yeh im rather enjoying myself now wer in a new hous ein a new city with no takeaway smog like the old place.
ta man


Well-Known Member
This is better view sun was in the way jusy took them out of sunlight to give em a few hours off dark both pics are from both ends of the tent so from left to right n rght to left. As u can see the afghan kush auto is somehow 2feet nearly




Well-Known Member
Alright lads how's it going? Shift over for me :) looking sweet there lems nice job mate shit looks nice n green ;) Ice ya lazy cunt get that fuckin hoover out and get off yo ass lol.....yorkie any for me?


Well-Known Member
Looking good bud...hope you looking into metadata n exif data removal before uploading those pics...
This is better view sun was in the way jusy took them out of sunlight to give em a few hours off dark both pics are from both ends of the tent so from left to right n rght to left. As u can see the afghan kush auto is somehow 2feet nearly



Well-Known Member
Aye nice tent fulls mainey all at different stages your gonna be a busy boy...are u UK then?

Just cracked a red stripe fuck it I'm a thirsty boy today...few tinnys few joints....happy as Larry lol ill be pissed soon 1 sniff of the barmaids apron and I'm fucked


Well-Known Member
Well dogs have been socialised and got on great where they gonna be staying while im away, now sitting back at home with a nice fat joint chilling out enjoying the sunshine.....yes I did say sunshine, in scotland!! Picked up a new big bbq 2day so hope its nice again 2morro and I can get it fired up.
Yorkie remember email me mate to sort shit out for 2moro.


Well-Known Member
Haha yours n mine had a rocky start didn't they lol fine in the end the rottie x made me laugh proper bouncy and hyped int he ....sunshine in Scotland lying fucker lol hps.lights don't count as sunshine nah its great int it mate live this weather puts a nice vibe out


Well-Known Member
Haha yours n mine had a rocky start didn't they lol fine in the end the rottie x made me laugh proper bouncy and hyped int he ....sunshine I'm Scotland lying fucker lol hps.lights don't count as sunshine nah its great int it mate live this weather puts a nice vibe out
Lol yeah m8 took a while for them to get 2 know each other didnt it, think its becuse ur dogs are quite small compared to mine so yhey werent sure of each other,
I know its not normal for us to have sun at this yime of year up here ususally its still snowing and shit lol, need to make the most of it while it lasts, and its nice to have some sun before I jet off to the sun in spain in a cpl weeks gets me in the holiday mood, u working 2night m8 or u got a night off and gonna enjoy the sun?


Well-Known Member
Aye at least yano your dogs will be sound man wank having to sort pets out ain't it..haha Yeh your lucky getting the sun mate where u are make theost of it pal I'm sure your will lol ;) aye I'm on days this week then back on nights next week so getting to see people again is nice and having a life for a week lol


Well-Known Member
Ah u fuckers must have had a right laugh...did they try n mount one another? If so who won? Lol yeah a bbq in Scotland..a sound investment that is Gary lol