The UK Growers Thread!

Were a bit odd at following.n friending ppl...I'm only following don n that's cuz when the site relaunched I couldn't find the dog thread so I said fuck it n just followed don *breaths heavily*.
Been busy but I've I pop in n out throughout the day otherwise I wouldn't get to see the pointless shit we talk about lol...that's 2 days in a row you been on about pork products...ud love Germany bud!

thing is mate i never even use to be that keen on pork and beef is still me fav, but all this bbq pork takes it too the next level lmao

ive done alot of travelling in me time seen quite a bit of the world n always heard good things bout germany would like to visit just never have, been to Austria only for the day driving about thats as close as ive got lol
Smoking on the dog...not as tasty as the dbxl N3 but I'll just put in a little more lol trading some of my smoke with a work friend (only 5g) he's got grand daddy purple from the interwebs so I thought I'd give it a try...any one smoked it?
Gonna vape the last of my iso tonight...saying that I still have a big bag of trim upstairs in the hotpress lol. It gets u baked to fuck n all but it's over rated n far 2 fucking messy to work with fuck me did I get it everywhere n a word of advice don't make iso super high fucking spilt most of batch 'a' moving it from the bathroom to the hob lol.
Austria is fucking stunning bud! Go to bavaria that's the real stereotypical beer drinking lederhosen wearing gf is from Berlin...stunning city loooooooots of crime.I left ireland at 18 n traveled for about 8yrs lol
Austria is fucking stunning bud! Go to bavaria that's the real stereotypical beer drinking lederhosen wearing gf is from Berlin...stunning city loooooooots of crime.I left ireland at 18 n traveled for about 8yrs lol

i was on a short hols in Hungary we got a hire car n drove to slovakia n austria didnt really see all that much but what could be seen from a car window lol

i been alot of places over the years but think me travelling day are well over now what with the sprogs n missus in tow lol
That's sounds like a laugh bud, nothing wrong with a road trip... Austrians are asshole anyways lol..Yeah I'm fucking done with it 2 mate n out of everywhere belgium was the best lol drugs n all! How was Hungary? Suppose to be mad for cheap parties n shizz
I had Italian meatballs, slow cooked with tomatoes.....lots of meat in em and meaty sauce which is always a bonus due to slow cooking no doubt
That's sounds like a laugh bud, nothing wrong with a road trip... Austrians are asshole anyways lol..Yeah I'm fucking done with it 2 mate n out of everywhere belgium was the best lol drugs n all! How was Hungary? Suppose to be mad for cheap parties n shizz

i was with me dad relax, we had abit of family bothers at the time n he said lets get away but the fucker couldnt fly long haul cause of heart bypass op hed not long had so i choose hungary just wanted to see a ex sov nation thought there would be some good history but was shit mate, budapest apart from the shitload of amazing fanny about was boring we spent the hols just getting pissed up in shitty lil bars, driving to slovakia n austria was alrite tho, not quite as fun as when we went thailand together tho lol
That's what lifes about mate..Proper experience there mate...the amount of ppl in my town that have never left irelands fucking crazy!