The UK Growers Thread!

get in holy grail thats the UK thread spirit lol
who invited the foreigner / scottish ? they want the best of both worlds....

whilst they allow there chief bankers to devise an "independancy plan"...

a pure act of legal robbery.. fooling the scottish to think yet again


none of us are really free. we all are slaves to money. this is another trick by those in power to fiddle people out of there hard earned money. sepearating the UK will make the NWO much easier .

in the mean time .. smoke up !

lets blaze

Rambo that is pretty fucking.funny but what the fuck bud!! Why don't you get em sent over?

we tried when i was out there but seems it not new the postal person rattled the parcel n said is this pills cause it will be opened lolol

what u really want sent from SA tabwise is buttons ie Quaalude aka Methaqualone rare as shit in europe etc nowdays.
who invited the foreigner / scottish ? they want the best of both worlds....

whilst they allow there chief bankers to devise an "independancy plan"...

a pure act of legal robbery.. fooling the scottish to think yet again


none of us are really free. we all are slaves to money. this is another trick by those in power to fiddle people out of there hard earned money. sepearating the UK will make the NWO much easier .

in the mean time .. smoke up !

lets blaze

Yes. . . But I did enjoy that film highlander or was it the one with Gibson in ? I forget
you wee scottish prick ! good thanks.. ha ha ... im taking permission..

jump up on your breakfast table and smash my boots in your cornflakes kinda dude n kick it in your scottish face..
politely of course...

ice cream and trolls ?

shotty horroh got a good answer for that...



Fair play I cant fault ur taste lol, I was at the dont flop raise the bar tour in glasgow last sunday, some mint emcees in the uk circuit right now
bongsmilieI enjoyed the concept more so than the actual movie but after one it went to shit lol

@rambo, did you convince them you'd just mixed booze with ur prescription? best it helped u relax a little lol
bongsmilieI enjoyed the concept more so than the actual movie but after one it went to shit lol

@rambo, did you convince them you'd just mixed booze with ur prescription? best it helped u relax a little lol

i did mate and i was very humble n polite to the feds i got charged with just using threatening behaviour on the flight instead of worse, just got a fine was all.
any mcs youd say to check out ? Ive not seen that dont flop yet !


Most if the ones I like are the scottish guys like, Loki, M.o.g, Wee D, Gasp, Nity gritz, thre is a few english guys that I like tho Lego, inuendo, pedro, etc, go on youtube thes tons on material, and most of the emcees in dont flop have their own albums out

Heres and old scotland vs england doubles battle from 5 years ago when dont flop was just starting out, this was the uk final.

I have to say there is much betteh scottish battle rappers than gasp and depths, the fucked this one a bit lol
25 mins of my life is a long.time Gary thought I was in the bronze for a while till the posh twat starts talking
only saving grace from said experience is customs was rammed they where pulling up everyone, but i was escorted threw with feds either side they never checked my bag, n i had lions teeth, 10x the cig amount your allowed 2/3 times the spirits amount, new blackberry n ghd's for the missus i presume they would have wanted tax for.